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Deep Magic: Blood & Doom Now Available

Deep Magic: Blood & Doom Now Available

Dark Magic of Unutterable Evil

“A field produces no crops until the farmer slices it open with a blade.” —Mstislav, Butcher of the Steppes

Antipaladins and blood mages are amoral, self-centered, and uncompromising. This is a bad combination where party harmony is concerned—but they make excellent evil NPCs and villains for your campaign.

Deep Magic: Blood and Doom contains the secrets of antipaladin and blood magic for 5th Edition, featuring:

  • Antipaladin class features and magic, including Unholy Smite, Oath of the Giving Grave, Aura of the Unrepentant, and Undying Sentinel
  • A new Serophage sorcerous origin, featuring Strength Beneath the Skin, Blood Fuel, Blood Barrier, and Exsanguinate
  • A Blood Magic Wizard School with 36 horrifying spells that include animate ghoul, doom of consuming fire, strength of the underworld, and vomit tentacles
  • A new blood elemental monster, and a new wondrous item: Taergash’s Exsanguinating Tome

Undying riders thunder across the land, bringing death in their wake. Corrupt wizards, clerics, and sorcerers recite twisted spells from blood-drenched grimoires and bile dripping tomes. Your heroes have long sought foes worthy of their steel—but nothing prepared them for this.

Check out Deep Magic: Blood & Doom now and add some more blood to your game today!



1 thought on “Deep Magic: Blood & Doom Now Available”

  1. For the Caustic Blood spell, the duration is “concentration, special” but the spell description did not explain what the special condition is.

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