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It’s a trap! The Dungeons & Ruins preview falls on an unsuspecting world

It’s a trap! The Dungeons & Ruins preview falls on an unsuspecting world

This week, Kobold Press launched Campaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins on Kickstarter! This 256-page hardcover book goes into deep detail about making old and dangerous places extra awesome for your Tales of the Valiant and 5E games.

Curious? The Campaign Builder: Dungeons & Ruins Preview PDF is available now, and it’s not just for backers!

The preview contains a LOT of info on traps, and this is a great first look at the loving detail we have laden onto traps in Tales of the Valiant. Take a look at an excerpt from the preview below! If you want more, download the whole preview (it’s free!) and then check out the Kickstarter campaign for even more!

1 thought on “It’s a trap! The Dungeons & Ruins preview falls on an unsuspecting world”

  1. I’m interested in this book, but I’d like to kindly suggest broadening the scope of the preview. This is a book about building dungeons; the trap section doesn’t really give me a sense of the quality of the other content. The preview doesn’t give me a sense of what the entire book is like (other than reading the table of contents); it just tells me what the Traps section is like.

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