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Heroes of Nuria Natal: Gravebinder

Heroes of Nuria Natal: Gravebinder

gravebinderOh, the lands of Nuria Natal! Where gods walk and men think it nothing to seek immortality. Where riches abound and fortunes are to be made in markets and in ancient tombs. Where the dead walk and the sun bakes. Nuria Natal is a land of wonders, whether you are a native or just passing through. Contained herein are options for characters who would explore Nuria Natal and the rest of the Southlands. They work best when coupled with Southlands Heroes.

Gravebinder (Wizard)

You are a necromancer who has used your knowledge for a far different purpose. Sometimes called a white necromancer, you stand as a guardian between the living and the dead. Often acting as guardians for tombs and burial grounds, your order makes sure the dead stay where they are put. Should they fail to do so, you are ready and willing to deal with them. This feature replaces your chosen Wizard school.

Necromancy Savant

Like other necromancers, beginning at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy a necromancy spell into your spell book is halved.

Sense Undead

At 2nd level, you gain the ability to feel undead around you. This ability works like the spell detect good and evil but only works on undead and is always active.

Undead Scourge

At 6th level, you become more adept at hurting undead.  You may sacrifice a spell slot to do radiant damage to one undead you can see within 30 feet. The creature must make a Charisma saving throw against your Wizard spell save DC or suffer 1d6 radiant damage per level of the spell sacrificed.

Inured to Undeath

Beginning at 10th level, you have resistance to necrotic damage, and your hit point maximum cannot be reduced. You have spent so much time around the dead and undead you have become inured to their worst effects.

Undead Purge

Starting at 14th level, you can use your action to create an area of effect with a 30-foot radius. All non-evil creatures have advantage on all saving throws made against undead spells and abilities. Additionally undead are at disadvantage on all attacks. You can do this once per short rest.

For more options for player characters, check out Southlands Heroes.



3 thoughts on “Heroes of Nuria Natal: Gravebinder”

  1. I like the ideas, but this feels underwhelming in execution. For instance, 1d6 radiant damage per spell slot, especially as a 6th level feature, feels off when the average damage of a 1st level spell (especially with no half-damage on save) would be triple that damage. I understand trying to reduce the damage due to radiant not normally being in the wizard’s toolkit, but the reduced range and limited target also helps with that, since being within 30 feet of an undead exposes you to melee attacks. The reduced usefulness of radiant damage vs undead (most undead, even in the Tome of Beasts, have no particular weakness to it) also plays a factor.

    Of course, changing it to be an area effect (1d6 to all undead within 30 feet) would both be true to the original gravebinder and to the idea of balance (a 1st level area spell does about 1d6 damage on average, 1d8 if the enemy can save to nullify). I just wanted to rant about the feature as-is first :P

    The 14th level feature needs clarification on multiple levels. Where does the 30-ft radius effect originate? How long does it last? A fantastic feature otherwise.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Tam!
    1) I err on the side of underpowered rather than overpowered. I see your point and think you could say that Undead Scourge effects all undead within 30 feet of you.
    2) The ability at 14th level does need clarification. The effect is centered on you, the caster. It lasts 1 min. Which should be long enough for 1 combat.

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