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ENnie Nominations Announced

ENnie Nominations Announced

The ENnie Awards have announced their nominations for this year, and they include two nominations for Open Design!

This site is nominated in the Best Blog category, so congratulations to Scott Gable and all the authors who have blogged, posted, and contributed crunch, stories, and reviews here this past year.

In addition, the Open Design Podcast was nominated in the Best Podcast category, a very pleasant surprise. Congratulations to Ed Healy, Rone Barton, and Wolfgang Baur for their work on that fine audio series!

A complete list of the 2010 nominees is available. Congratulations to all the nominees!

8 thoughts on “ENnie Nominations Announced”

  1. Woot Woot! d20pfsrd.com is up for Best Website! Go Wolfgang and go go d20pfsrd.com collaborators!
    Its a good weekend and it hasn’t even started yet :)

  2. Congrats Scott!

    And Congrats Ed and Rone.

    And maybe even that Wolfgang guy too.

    Go Open Design!

  3. Thanks, guys!

    You never know. One day, ODP might rise from its ancient slumber, sloughing off the sands of neglect. I’m pretty sure it’ll be hungry if that day arrives so stay inside if you can.

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