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Dice of Doom Contest: The Finalists

Dice of Doom Contest: The Finalists


Roll them beautiful dice!

You showed us your dice, and they were glorious. So many to choose from. By no means an easy choice, but our judges have narrowed down all those pictures you sent in. Before we announce the finalists, we want to thank…

  • The judges: Wolfgang Baur, Marc Radle, and Liz Courts, your job was tough, but you rolled your way through. Thank you!
  • The participants: you made this all possible. To those of you who sent in photos,  there were no fumbles. Thank you!
  • You, the voting public: now, you get to vote for your favorite of the top five. Time to roll a crit. Thank you!

The five Dice of Doom finalists are listed below with their pics after their names. Below the pics is a poll, and you have from now until next Sunday night (Dec. 18, 2016) to vote for your favorite:

Gregory Barry



Calvin Roach



Paul Shiner



Michael Carrigan



Cliff Newman



[poll id=”13″]

25 thoughts on “Dice of Doom Contest: The Finalists”

  1. You guys know to vote by selecting one of the radio buttons, and not by posting your selection here in the comments … right? :)

  2. Brandon Habermeyer

    Ok, I’m sorry, but all of these photos utterly pale in comparison to Mr. Newman’s. This is not opinion. This is fact. This is science.

  3. Cliff’s photograph is the only professional one on here. The other ones are aesthetically offensive, the colors are washed and the only thing they have going for them is that they look like they’ve all been haphazardly rolled. So, unless you’re going for a photojournalistic approach Cliff’s the obvious choice.

  4. I vote Cliff Newman. Obviously he is the only person in the world with a keen eye for dice photography. Plus his set up is so uniform and nice. Cliff Newman is the best.

  5. Shiner has an awesome collection dice on display and it is all in focus! The promo sets and pouches down in front are way cool. The promo d-6s along the left are sweet! Nice shot a cool collection.

  6. Thank you all so much for your support. I put hours and hours into taking that photo of a small part of my dice collection. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your support.

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