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Collection of Curiosities: The Overlarge Bird’s Nest

Collection of Curiosities: The Overlarge Bird’s Nest

"Jiro the Kobold" by Pat LoboykoWhat would happen if you stumbled across an extremely large bird’s nest? You can use any of these details as starting points to flesh out some other interesting things if the player characters choose to look around a bit more. If you want to roll randomly for one, use the handy number provided with each entry to figure out your result on a d12. You can also pick the one that works for the area in which your characters currently linger.

d12. Curiosity

  1. A necklace of gilded bones (human) has been woven into the nest.
  2. Scattered about the bottom of the nest are fist-sized rectangular amber pieces. Each one has a rune on it.
  3. Five crystal skulls peer outward from the nest.
  4. The nest has an excessive amount of frilly and fringed elements as part of its making. Each one is a different color, making the nest seem rather festive and gaudy. Did the bird raid a tailor’s shop?
  5. Twenty smaller bird nests are nestled amid the larger nest. Each one has baby birds and protective parental birds guarding them. They seem to work in unity to guard the nest.
  6. The bones of some unfortunate goblins and kobolds litter the bottom of the nest. You see a crumpled tin crown amid these remains.
  7. The bird that makes its home here is clearly a brilliantly plumed one: large feathers of every hue litter the area.
  8. At the bottom of the nest you can see that seven different eggs are resting near each other. Is one of them a dragon egg?
  9. Twenty stone idols in the shape of a crow ring the area. They are carved from a rare wood that glows softly in the evening until dawn. Who worships this bird?
  10. A series of crystal baubles dangles around the outside of the nest from fishing line.
  11. The pawprints of a very large feline lead up to the nest.
  12. Hundreds of purple lizards that are a foot long from snout to tail tip flee the area as you approach.

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