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Collection of Curiosities: The Bard’s Haversack

Collection of Curiosities: The Bard’s Haversack

"Jiro the Kobold" by Pat LoboykoThe entertaining wizard might leave you with some lasting impressions—and perhaps even some strange little items. You can roll randomly for a result below, or use the handy number provided with each entry to figure out your result on a d12. You can also pick the one that works for the area in which your characters currently linger.

d12. Curiosity

  1. A rather large and dead spider that looks as if someone tried to make a wig out of it.
  2. Love notes from twenty different people.
  3. A sheaf of parchment that contains entirely too many limericks.
  4. Four flowers, three vials of scent, and two shades of lip balm.
  5. A prayer book that includes prayers for all the known religions.
  6. A tin containing mints.
  7. A cute little bundle of black fur with big pink eyes that purrs almost like a cat. It has no legs, though.
  8. A pouch with coins from every nation within it.
  9. Enough glitter to glam up an entire tavern.
  10. A novel in progress: “The Cantankerous Creeps of Callowhail.”
  11. A glass globe that has a winged being dancing on the head of a pin within it.
  12. A pouch with five vials marked with the words “Fire,” “Wind,” “Water,” “Earth,” and “Spirit.”

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