Home / Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog / Closed today for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Closed today for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Closed today for Martin Luther King Jr. Day

The warrens are closed today, along with many businesses in the US, for Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) Day.

MLK was a leader in nonviolent action for civil rights change in the US. His leadership, courage, and faith still call people to work for racial unity.

Many Americans use the time off as a day of service. Americorps offers ways to get involved with volunteering if you’re in the USA. If you’re in another country and feel inspired, look for ways to help wherever you are.

If you have 20 minutes, you might read Letter from Birmingham Jail, an open letter that MLK wrote from prison during his work to end race-based oppression in the city of Birmingham, Alabama.

It’s King’s response to eight pastors who thought he was being too radical in his work for justice. King argued that citizens have a moral obligation to obey just laws and to disobey unjust laws. Read the full text here.

The blog will be back tomorrow with more ways to make your games cooler!

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