Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Midgard Monday: Getting the warband together, part 5

The season of war is the tradition of the Septime Cities. They fight each other, and they fight whoever threatens. The Mharoti Empire is one of those ever-present threats, gathering like storm clouds on the horizon. This series will help a GM run a campaign to explore the fight to free the Illyrian marches along the eastern border of the Seven Cities.

Midgard Monday: Getting the warband together, part 5 Read More »

ToV Tuesday: The Valiant 6 arrive! Bring the action home to your games

To accompany the launch of Tales of the Valiant, Kobold Press has cooked up the Valiant 6, our iconic characters. Here are images and downloadable PDFs of 4th-level PCs ready for action. Use them to help new people to your game or as a resource for conventions and store play!

ToV Tuesday: The Valiant 6 arrive! Bring the action home to your games Read More »

Good Riddance! Part 3: One of a kind antagonists—make the unicorn the bad guy

Unicorns are one of the most recognizable creatures in fantasy, but because they’re good-aligned, PCs almost never fight them. Unicorns have been depicted as healers, nature guardians, or free spirits of the wild that follow their own call. In almost all stories, unicorns are extremely rare and avoid civilization. So how do you make them the enemy?

Good Riddance! Part 3: One of a kind antagonists—make the unicorn the bad guy Read More »

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