Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Midgard Alchemy: More Potion Formulations

Here are two more magic potion/oil formulas, a feat, and some guidelines for adding ability checks to your magic item creation. Formula: Oil of Sharpness Formula, legendary To make this oil, you need simply follow these instructions: Gather 20 pounds of high-quality rust monster dung. You will need to feed the rust monster a consistent,

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Warlock’s Apprentice: Bearfolk Honey Axes

Honey Axes The most well-known of the bearfolk’s magical creations are the powerful honey axes. Bearfolk legend tells that when their people first emerged from the forest, several powerful weapons known as “honey axes” were gifted by the fey to the most accomplished warriors. Whether or not this legend is true, possessing one of these

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Expanding Codex Collection

17 variant monsters from Creature Codex, including variants for the swolbold, drakes, and unhatched  22 new magic items from the periapt of proof against lies to the firesight goggles 26 new spells including mindless vengeance and siege of iron Plus adventure hooks, 2 feats, and a ranger companion! Change up Codex monsters with alternate traits and actions, outfit your characters with

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Southlands Kickstarter

New Southlands Monsters: 10 new monsters will be added to the Southlands Worldbook. You’ll now have even more ways to challenge your players on their trips through the Southlands! Mad Maze of the Moon Kingdom: Every backer at the $25 or higher pledge level will get a pdf copy of the Mad Maze of the Moon Kingdom adventure.

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Secrets of the Emerald Order: Undead Guardians

The Emerald Order goes to great lengths to protect the knowledge they possess. Among the other secrets they have divined from the Emerald Tablet is the ability to create undying guardians through sacrifice. When creating a new repository for knowledge, senior members of the Emerald Order will take a willing volunteer and entomb them within

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Ratatosk: Celestial Gossips

                                                                      Inspired by Norse mythology, specifically the Poetic Edda, the ratatosk are celestial humanoid squirrels who dwell in the extraplanar environment of the World Tree. Ratatosks are insatiable gossips and tricksters whose joy in gathering secrets is only eclipsed by their delight in spreading those gathered morsels of gossip in mischievous ways.  The squirrel-folk build

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Southlands Wallpapers

It’s December, and everyone’s gaming! So here’s a high-adventure set of wallpapers for your computer, your smartphone, or whatever electronic device you’ve got. This month, we’ve got a piece from the Southlands Worldbook (artist Marcel Mercado), part of the ongoing Southlands Kickstarter campaign. Let’s go exploring, adventurers! Please, click on the image you want to

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