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To the Birds: Winged Karasu (Part 4 of 4)

To support the “Ecology of the Tengu” article in the just released Kobold Quarterly #14, we bring you more feathery goodness. ___ “There are masters of combat, and there are masters of one’s own destiny; I know which I am but I am unsure of you. Choose a masterly path wisely.” The winged karasu is an […]

To the Birds: Winged Karasu (Part 4 of 4) Read More »

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To the Birds: Legends of the Tengu (Part 3 of 4)

To support the “Ecology of the Tengu” article in the just released Kobold Quarterly #14, we bring you more feathery goodness. ___ Sojobo, Tengu King, and Myths of the Far East The tengu pervade early Japanese legends as tricksters and deviant beings whose intentions were not always pure of heart. Though once known as baby stealers

To the Birds: Legends of the Tengu (Part 3 of 4) Read More »

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