Posts by Kelly Pawlik

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Parties of Interest: Troupe of the Diamond Sky

Members of the Troupe of the Diamond Sky pose as minstrels, actors, playwrights, and other entertainers of the public. In truth though, they are spies and dissidents, passing vital information to usurpers and assassins and otherwise stirring the common folk against their rulers. With more than a century of existence under its belt, the troupe

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Parties of Interest: The Coiled Ring

The Coiled Ring, which takes its name from the ideal of the Great Serpent, exists to urge the world into ruin. Members engage in ritualized murder, arson, necromancy, and other forms of terrorism. They believe acts of violence against innocents and the righteous all serve to bring forth Fimbulwinter, the initial stage of Ragnarök. As

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Parties of Interest: Society of the Amaranthine Chalice

Rather than being a true club, the society is a loosely aligned collective of cheats, confidence people, and tricksters devoted, as such people are, to advancing their own interests at the direct expense of others. Chapter houses, known to members as “rube rums,” can be found in most sizable settlements. Members of the society, or

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Parties of Interest: The Ever-After Club

Joining the Ever-After Club. To join the Ever-After Club, a prospective member must, at a minimum, be able to animate a corpse as an undead, such as with animate dead. Only the most promising of candidates are allowed to join the group without also meeting other criteria. Wendall prioritizes applicants who have proven their worth

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Parties of Interest: Mother Zhenya’s Halcyon Collective

In truth, Halcyon is a cover for Mother Zhenya’s criminal operation. The cagey alchemist distills a mildly hallucinogenic narcotic that makes its users relaxed and highly suggestible, from the psychoactive fungus that grows in abundance in her house’s cellars and nearby caves. She uses the drug’s vapor, which she calls driftbalm, during every activity held

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Parties of Interest: White Orchid Hunting Lodge

In the years since, Lauritzo has gathered other like-minded individuals, and she gives them a place to gather and gain knowledge, masked as hunting enthusiasts in the basement of her tavern, the Trophy Room. Her partner, the diviner Uthero Iomatti, gathers information from his network of informants and maintains a record of personages requiring services.

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Rogue’s Gallery: Namazzi Akullo

A Blade Among Books. Namazzi’s parents were certain their youngest child would be a renowned parchment-maker as every member of each of their families had been for generations. Their certainty evaporated when their young daughter began running through the home battling imaginary fiends while brandishing a wooden serving spoon as though it was a sword.

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Rogue’s Gallery: Brahm the Venturer

Seer of the Middle Sea. Brahm became familiar with ocean travel at a young age. After becoming injured in a fierce battle against pirates off Raguza, he left his parents’ employ aboard the Glory of Gold and convalesced with his grandmother in Triolo. While there, he began to experience strange visions while he was engrossed

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Rogue’s Gallery: Galdvyr Steadystone

Hunter of the Damned. During his many northern crossings, Galdvyr has successfully led numerous expeditions through encounters with its many dangers, such as giants, werewolves, and fey. None of those creatures bedevil him as much as the walking dead though. Galdvyr despises vampires in particular, viewing them as unnatural parasites. He has a dream of

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