Posts by Frank Tedeschi

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Egyptian dice (600-800 BC)

The Random Gamemaster: NPC Names

From the genesis of D&D, random lists have been used to create, inspire, and complicate games everywhere. The gamemaster is essentially keeping all the knowledge of a fabricated world inside their head along with all the relevant laws of physics and mechanics, which are transformed into a living story around the table. With that in

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The Random GM: 20 Nature-Based Points of Interest

From the genesis of the D&D game, random lists have been used to create, inspire, and complicate games everywhere. A GM is essentially keeping all the knowledge of a fabricated world inside his or her head, along with all the relevant laws of physics and mechanics, which are transformed into a living story around the

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The Random GM: Pits

From the genesis of the D&D game, random lists have been used to create, inspire, and complicate games everywhere. A GM is essentially keeping all the knowledge of a fabricated world inside his or her head, along with all the relevant laws of physics and mechanics, which are transformed into a living story around the

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Twenty Things Found in the Pockets of Your Enemies

Random generation tables have been utilized for D&D since the genesis of the original Dungeon Masters Guide. Over the years, they have provided that extra random element of a game, inspiring everything from chance meetings and unusual terrain to unexpected treasures. Harkening back to the traditions of the AD&D appendices, presented here is a table

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