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Imperial Gazetteer Makes Undead More Playable

Imperial Gazetteer Makes Undead More Playable

What are reviewers saying about Imperial Gazetteer, Open Design’s source for the legions of the dead in Zobeck for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game?

… authors Wolfgang Baur and Scott Gable go to great lengths to give each faction within the empire a face, detailing many specific undead nobles’ and generals’ personalities and motivations.

I also liked the faiths if the empire; Marena, the Red Goddess, and her matriarchal clergy. Goddess of death and lust, her priestesses (and priests) are the arbiters of justice in the empire. Mavros, The War God, is also interesting because his clergy is the source of many of the more powerful magical weapons…

Read the full review at Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies.

We’ve got a little something for everybody. Pick up your own copy of Imperial Gazetteer for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (print and PDF) or for 4th Edition (print and PDF).

4 thoughts on “Imperial Gazetteer Makes Undead More Playable”

  1. This is one of the most interesting RPG books/pdfs I own. I love the concepts and the execution and highly recommend it’s purchase. I bought the 4E version.

  2. Zaukrie, thanks for that summary! Scott and I worked to make it as compelling as we possibly could, and the word of mouth on it has been tremendous.

    And hey, I may quote you. :)

  3. I don’t know that my name carries any weight, but if you want a longer blurb, I’d be happy to give it to you. This, and the last two adventures I’ve seen completed are all worth way more than I paid for them.

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