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Advanced Races 2: Darakhul Ghouls (Pathfinder RPG)

Advanced Races 2: Darakhul Ghouls (Pathfinder RPG)

Advanced Races #2: Darakhul Ghouls (PFRPG) PDFCan you master your hunger and adventure among the surface dwellers? Or will the monster within claim you?

In the lightless depths beneath the ground, an empire of devouring ambition grows and plots and dreams. They call themselves The People, but the rest of Midgard calls them the Lords Subterranean, the Ghoul Imperium, or simply the Empire of the Ghouls. Their cities lie out of sight. Their goals know no limits.

To them, if you are not a member of the People, you are food.

Advanced Races: Darakhul gives you everything you need to play as a darakhul, a greater ghoul of the dreaded Imperium. This 18-page sourcebook by award-winning designer Ben McFarland includes:

  • 11 new darakhul racial traits, and 14 ghoulish feats including Eater of the Dead and Undead Rage
  • 3 new archetypes: Quicksilver Alchemist, Imperial Hunter Ranger, and Necrophage Wizard
  • 8 revolting magic items and equipment
  • 6 new spells and incantations
  • Survival tips for adventuring ghouls
  • Haunting art by Guido Kuip, William McAusland, Chris McFann, Hugo Solis and Darren M. Calvert
  • And much more!

Just remember, your fellow party members are not food! Yet…

You can find Advanced Races 2: Darakhul Ghouls at DriveThru RPG and Paizo.com!

5 thoughts on “Advanced Races 2: Darakhul Ghouls (Pathfinder RPG)”

  1. Morgan Boehringer

    “Nom. Nom nom nom. Gluurghk. Nom nom nom. Aaaagh. Adventurer tastes good. Hey, wait, we ARE adventurers. Huh. Go figure.” ;)

    Nice one Ben. As I said on Paizo, so happy to see this…

  2. Between this book and last week’s gnoll feats, Kobold Press is rapidly becoming *the* destination for man-eating Pathfinder mechanics.

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