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A Rite of Spring: Kobold Quarterly #13 Ships

A Rite of Spring: Kobold Quarterly #13 Ships

Kobold with Musket
The new issue of Kobold Quarterly is now available, in PDF and print. It is by far the greenest cover we have ever done. The articles provide a crazed selection of material from across the spectrum: new classes, an ecology of the shoggoth, encounter tips and tricks, a whole mini-adventure.

Dark, humorous, and wildly original, I’m proud of what the authors and artists have brought to the spring.

Somehow, I think all the arguments will be about the Alkenstar arquebusier base class for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, but… well, kobolds can’t resist a new toy even if it does leave extensive powder burns. I leave it to you to decide how to handle that explosive topic in your game (as it should be).

Pick up your copy of Kobold Quarterly #13 today, or subscribe and start with this one!

5 thoughts on “A Rite of Spring: Kobold Quarterly #13 Ships”

  1. Well, it’s a kobold-friendly site, so there’s long-standing racial enmity against gnomes around these parts. :)

    That aside, great work on the contraptions. I hope to see another pitch from you soon.

  2. The gnomish flying contraptions were great. I love the logic behind each of them, and they’re all tactically different enough to be distinct. Nicely done!

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