We're rather fond of the Kobold Guide to Design, Volume 2, here at Kobold Quarterly. But we don't want you to just take our word for it, so we asked the fine folks over at the RPGBlogger Network if they'd read and give us their opinions.
With only limited cajoling, they consented and tackled (portions of) the book with vigor! And so, we're happy to present you this Blog Carnival of collaborative reviews. Freshen up the coffee, take a few minutes, and nose through each blogger's site — hopefully enjoying more than just their review of the Kobold Guide to Design! Afterwards, come back here and continue on to the next site…
Without further ado, we present…

Harry, over at Capturing Fantasy, is going to start things off by taking a look at our chapter, "Talent Won't Save You."
Phil, the Chatty DM, reviewed our chapter on "How to Playtest."
Michael, author of Chgowiz's Old Guy RPG Blog, considers our chapter on "The Infinite Onion, Creating Play Depth."
Jonathan, at the Core Mechanic, provides us his opinion on "Promises, Promises. How to Pitch."
Berin Kinsman, the voice of Uncle Bear, delves into our chapter by Nick Logue — "The Mystery of Mysteries."
Danny Rupp, of Critical Hits, lends his thoughts on "The Magic Bullet of Publication."
Finally, Michael Brewer of Mad Brew Labs gives us a gracious review of a topic certain to interest any RPGSuperstar participant, "How NOT to Design a Magic Item."
We're quite appreciative of the time and effort these gentleman have contributed to help others form an opinion about the Kobold's Guide to Design, Volume 2. They were provided a complementary PDF copy of the book after reviewing their specific chapters.
If you like what you read here, head over to the store and pick up a copy!