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Southlands Kickstarter: Final Hours

Southlands Kickstarter: Final Hours

Do you hear that belching sound coming from the warrens? No, that’s not the kobolds making rude noises—it’s the marker of only two days remaining on the Southlands Kickstarter project!

So far, you’ve blown us out of our bolt-holes with your support of the Southlands project. In addition to the Tales Beneath the Sands exclusive hardcover, you have unlocked:

Bonus PDFs:

  • Black Sarcophagus
  • Combat Divination
  • Demon Cults: The Emerald Order
  • Hieroglyph Magic
  • Mad Maze of the Moon Kingdom
  • The Scorpion’s Shadow

Extra Art:

  • City maps
  • Male and female character art (major races)
  • Male and female character art (minor races)
  • Three new monsters

City of Cats Content:

  • A 3-part adventure
  • An exclusive character sheet

Player’s Guide Content:

  • 20 Southlands weapons and armor
  • Combat Divination magic and subclasses
  • Emerald Order subclass
  • Scribes of Thoth subclass
  • Talons of Horus subclass
  • Wind Lords background

Southlands Worldbook Content:

  • 20 magic items 
  • 10 iconic Southlands monsters 
  • City godlings

And as this project sails into the sands, on the horizon are even more incredible stretch-goal goodies!

  • Southlands encounter tables
  • Variant gnoll racial traits
  • Monkey Business bonus adventure pdf
  • City of Brass 

Can we hit those stretch goals in just two more days? We don’t know, but we’re eager to find out!


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