We are excited to announce the Kobold Press Kickstarter for the Tales of the Valiant RPG will launch on Tuesday, May 23rd.
This means this is our final Valiant Friday. As we progress with the Kickstarter, our Friday blogs will become regular updates related to the campaign and our Stretch Goals.
For all of you who have stuck with us Friday after Friday since January, we want to say thank you! We love this community and wouldn’t have made it this far without you. From the beginning, the community support has fed our fire and lifted the spirit of our Kobolds as we worked towards our biggest project in Kobold Press history. You are the real heroes.
As we close out the Valiant Friday blog series we’re excited to release our brand new Tales of the Valiant website. Here you can dive deep, find information, and submit questions for our growing FAQ. The Kickstarter and this website will be the one-stop shops for all ToV information moving forward. We encourage you to check back regularly.

Remember you can sign up to be notified and be the first to back the Tales of the Valiant RPG coming to Kickstarter May 23rd. Become one of the Valiant!
Can’t wait
Dang, I was hoping for a small adventure more than a Monster Vault. You know, like a starter set?
We’ve got a special adventure pack that we might unlock in a stretch goal! Don’t worry, we love adventures too.
Does this kickstarter include a playtest or will that be a separate day?
1. Are we working in a new World? Or are we still in Midgard?
2. If we are making this in order to NOT invalidate $300 worth of books, then why include a MONSTER book? Most of your fans have a Monster Manual, and probably one Tome/Codex. How many of the monsters in Tome/Codex do you believe can be “Claimed” by WotC?
3. Players manual and a solo guide through like in the Paizo stuff to spell out changes, here are the changes in our combat, our grapple, our spell actions, and concentration…
4. Then at least 2 adventures, one that is a generic forest hunt (with some notes on the Margrave), the other a classic 5-room dungeon in a crypt that was built 20 years ago as a monument to a battle that founded the town.
5. The Adventures need to be EASY TO RUN! What does that mean?
a. Lots of READ ALOUD box text and well-captioned and bullet-pointed background info.
b. Keep the long explanations to a minimum (Looking at YOU Scarlet Citadel, good stuff but I need the summary).
c. Maybe we need to move to those high-art, super concise, 1 or 2-page spread adventures like Trilemma.
d. Then make player-viewable and VTT-capable flat maps.
Have you considered that some people are coming to ToV because of the OGL debacle and have no other d&d books that what WotC have put out. A monster guide is needed for a new system.
If I am going to dive in to ToV, and I do plan to, then I want it to be complete (which means yes, a monster manual is critical for me to adopt this system).