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Shades of Magic: Totems of Power

Shades of Magic: Totems of Power

Totem magic is a very real and very powerful force in Midgard. All totem spirits are said to be descended from the World Serpent Ouroboros and bear a small portion of his creative power. Below are a few examples of totemic magics in Midgard.

Majestic Might of Owls Totem

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This feathered necklace grants the wearer advantage on Charisma checks (Intimidation) and Wisdom checks (Perception). The wearer may use this ability twice between long rests.

Monkey’s Paw

Weapon (mace), very rare (requires attunement)

This mummified monkey’s paw is clutching a black stone. It is harder and stronger than it looks and can be used as a +1 mace.  When used as a melee weapon in combat, it ignores the bludgeoning resistance of any undead creature.  Against any living creature (except constructs) it does an additional 2d8 of necrotic damage on any critical hit (the necrotic damage is not doubled). The character gains the necrotic damage as temporary hit points that last until their next long rest.

Curse: If the wielder ever kills a creature with necrotic damage from the paw (i.e. the necrotic damage reduces the target to 0 hit points or less), the creature’s spirit possesses the wielder’s body and the wielder’s soul becomes trapped in the black stone gripped in the mummified paw. If there is a soul already trapped in the stone, it is immediately released as a wraith that attacks the nearest creature that isn’t holding the totem.  The former wielder can be restored to their body if a remove curse or revivify spell is cast on the totem within one minute of the curse taking effect.  After one minute, the character can only be freed or restored to their body by greater restoration or wish or similar powerful magics.

Soaring Wisdom of Eagles Totem

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This feathered headdress grants the wearer advantage on Charisma checks (Persuasion) and Wisdom checks (Insight). The wearer may use this ability twice between long rests.

Totem of the Great Bear

Wonderous item, legendary (requires attunement by a barbarian)

This magic amulet is created by a powerful shaman, druid or totemic warrior. It is made from rare or unique components, like the paw of the King of the Bearfolk. A barbarian who follows the path of the totem warrior that wears the amulet prominently gains the following powers at the given levels:

4th level (Keen Senses): You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sound or touch.

7th level (Powerful Paws): You gain a 2d8 (9) Melee Weapon Attack (claws), reach 5 ft., one target.

10th level (Robust Fettle): You gain immunity to non-magical bludgeoning, and resistance to necrotic damage.

13th level (Bear Spirit): You can summon a totem bear spirit that strikes any designated creature within 60 feet. The creature takes 4d8 radiant damage, unless it makes a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw for half damage. You must have a long rest before using this ability again.

17th level (Bear Power): You can assume the shape of a brown bear or werebear as per the druid’s wild shape ability.

Totem of the Mighty Eagle

Wonderous item, legendary (requires attunement by a barbarian)

This taloned and jeweled scepter is created by a powerful shaman, druid or totemic warrior. It is made from rare or unique components, like the talon of a giant eagle warlock. A barbarian who follows the path of the totem warrior that carries the scepter on their person gains the following powers at the given levels:

4th level (Keen Sight): You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

7th level (Sharp Talons): You gain a 2d8 (9) Melee Weapon Attack (talons), reach 5 ft., one target.

10th level (Soaring Strength): You gain immunity to the frightened condition, and resistance to thunder and lightning damage.

13th level (Eagle Spirit): You can summon a totem eagle spirit that grants you the ability to fly at a 60 ft. speed for up to ten minutes between long rests. You can summon the spirit in one-minute increments, which may or may not be consecutive.

17th level (Eagle Power): You can assume the shape of a giant eagle or were-eagle (use wererat statistics but add a 60 ft. flight speed) as per the druid’s wild shape ability.

Totem of the Silver Wolf

Wonderous item, legendary (requires attunement by a barbarian)

This necklace of teeth and claws is created by a powerful shaman, druid or totemic warrior. It is made from rare or unique components, like the fangs and claws of a Hyperborean dire wolf. A barbarian who follows the path of the totem warrior that wears the necklace prominently gains the following powers at the given levels:

4th level (Keen Smell): You gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell or taste.

7th level (Fierce Fangs): You gain a 2d8 (9) Melee Weapon Attack (bite), reach 5 ft., one target.

10th level (Lupine Ferocity): You gain immunity to the charmed condition, and resistance to cold damage.

13th level (Wolf Spirit): You can summon a totem wolf spirit that howls and forces all non-undead creatures within 120 ft. to make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for one minute. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the condition ends, the creature is immune to the condition for 24 hours. You must take a short rest between each use.

17th level (Wolf Power): You can assume the shape of a wolf or werewolf as per the druid’s wild shape ability.


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