The Kobold team continues to work hard toward our first phase of Project Black Flag playtesting, set to release in February.
Thank you to all 27,000+ of you who signed up to get your claws on the first-look playtest. We are humbled. Know that plans are in place, and we will be in contact with Phase 1 information soon. If you want to sign up to playtest Project Black Flag, join our playtest list here!
Last week we shared the amazing piece of art, Man of War, by William O’Brien. This Project Black Flag-inspired art left us wanting even more! This week, we’re pulling back the curtain to share other artists working on this project.
Raise the Black Flag with us to welcome this incredible artistic team.
Marc Radle has been Kobold Press’s Art Director and Lead Graphic Designer for over a decade. He’s worked on nearly a hundred Kobold Press products, including the ENnie award-winning Creature Codex monster book and Southlands Wordbook campaign setting.
Marc is leading a team of incredible artists on Project Black Flag, including Roberto Pitturru, William O’Brien, Craig Spearing, Bryan Syme, Egil Thompson, and Eva Widermann as they reinvent the look of traditional fantasy for Project Black Flag.
And because we can’t help ourselves, here’s a sneak peek at art from pages of Project Black Flag, starting with some classics! You can expect the monsters for Project Black Flag will include the best of Kobold Press, building on favorite concepts from generations of fantasy storytelling and introducing all-new, never-before-seen monsters.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll reveal more of our creative team and publishing partners. Until then, keep those flags raised high and join us on Discord to discuss monster favorites and monster requests!
This Orc looks great! Very excited about this direction. I must admit my embarrassment on getting on the Kobold Press wagon so late. But I did just pick up the Midgard setting book and the Hero Handbook to go with it. Keep up the great work.
I did the same thing, bought myself the midgaurd worldbook and hero handbook for Christmas.
Midgard :)
everytime i see that name in context to RPGs, my mind goes to the 1981 rpg midgard from germany.
Q: Why is Kobold Press so bad at sports?
A: Because they always play Migard and never offence!
Sorry for the question..Are going to use the PF2e system? and Midgard…are you planning on releasing it with PF2e system ? Thanks
New system coming. It’s currently being called Project Black Flag.
Spent too much Time in D&D, Whento from 3.5 to 5e late, and it went downhill, Hope to see your work and have Fun DMing/Playing it, Love the Orc, looks brutal and Warrior like, the Troll looks great, Strong but not very human like, feral even, like the old folk tales. Hope to see how this goes. Keep ut the good work, and raise the Black Flag for all!
Looks Great !!!! Keep it coming
Love these!
Hi, my two cents is these are made by talented artists and look great. The art direction seems pretty safe, as in not really stylized, so it’s a stretch to call these re-imagined. Overall, I think it’s a good art direction since they can be dropped into any setting and work.
Love everything about these designs
Really love the classic fantasy/fairy tale look with these. I’m so excited to see this new system, Thanks to all the designers and artists who stepped up to this moment.
Very cool.
Love it!
That orc looks amazing… Even gives me some gorrila vibes so I can kinda see how I would want to use it in my own game… And the troll looks like it stalks the swamps and marshes… Both look great… I can’t wait to see and read up on more.
Give them hell lovers!
Raising the flag. Lets do this the community is here!
Flags raised for adventures of all kinds! Looking forward to the future, in light of stormy weather elsewhere.
I seriously cannot wait to get my hands on checking out what you guys have been working on.
“Reading” the images in reverse tells the following story: Black Flag is a troll and was ORC the entire time :P
Built a campaign on the Northern Book in Midgard. Eventually changed it into a building a new Viking settlement NE of Dornig. Love the setting.
Too much color and cartoony. Make them more old school and believable or else it will still be another 5e art variant for kids.
Love the art so far. Probably better to go a bit darker to separate further from WotC’s vibe. I appreciate how quickly this is moving but you need to be looking at developing, or working with others on, a Beyond alternative. 5e players are likely your biggest target audience and many of them seem to be addicted to that. Seems to be a major sticking point on getting people to switch to PF2. The SRD moving to creative commons probably helps development, but all but assures Beyond will exclude 3rd party publishers.
Just an idea, but in the spirit of a for-the-fans game, you should consider allowing fans to submit art for the project. I don’t mean you should lower your standards, but I think you would be surprised what the community can come up with AND it really would be a great way to show you’re embracing the fan base. Go KOBFP!
Aspiring artists CAN submit portfolios for consideration! Check it:
I’ve always been a fan of the classic pig orc. Was hopping it was coming back. But I love the hands on the shield. I can’t wait to see what system comes out.
Not really a fan of those two pieces but I am curious to see your new system. I’m moving backward from 5E with a brief stop at PF2 before sticking with 1E and 2E.