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Open Design Nominated for 2 ENnie Awards

Open Design Nominated for 2 ENnie Awards

Open Design is very pleased to announce that two of its patron-supported projects have been nominated for ENnie Awards this year. Those two are both nominees in the Electronic Product category (as makes sense for primarily PDF products). They are:

Empire of the Ghouls by Wolfgang Baur
Six Arabian Nights, by Wolfgang Baur, David “Zeb” Cook, Clay Fleischer, Jeff Grubb, and Joshua Stevens

Naturally, I hope you vote for your favorites in this and the other categories, though I fully expect that Monte Cook is going to take the ENnie in this category. For a retired guy, he’s quite a juggernaut, and deservedly so.

In the larger scheme of things, it doesn’t matter who wins the Electronic Book category. I’m absolutely 100% thrilled to have two nominations in that category, given that Open Design released exactly two products eligible for nomination. It’s like we’re doing something right….

Congratulations to all the nominees!

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