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More Templeforge Airships

More Templeforge Airships

If you’ve already read the Dwarven Guide to Airships in the current issue, you know what’s coming: a Web freebie! Yes, we ran out of room in this issue, so a few of the smaller-class airships are presented here, the Drake, the Dragonfly, and the Damselfly.

Templeforge Cloud-Drake
Tonnage 15 (45 without liftgas)
Size 90 ft. wide (30 ft. of wings on either side, 30 ft. of compartments), [More…] 50 ft. tall (10 ft. for top section, 30 ft. for central bladder, 10 ft. for bottom deck), 135 ft. long (bottom deck is 25 ft. by 60 ft., top deck is 25 ft. by 45 ft.)
Maneuverability poor (one 45 degree turn per move), but can hover
Engine Hit Points 40; Hardness 10
Maximum Acceleration 30 mph, 250 ft./round
Top Speed 60 mph, 500 ft./round
24-Hour Travel Distance 1,440 miles
Maximum Altitude 10,000 feet

Each 5 ft. square section of the outer shell and compartments:

Hull Type alchemically treated wood
hp 1350; Hull Points 135*; Hardness 7; Resist fire/5
AC 9; Fort +7, Ref +5, Will – (object)
Cargo Space 5 tons; Crew 5; Officers 5
Hull Craft DC 20; Engine Craft DC 23; Total Cost 171,000 gp

This craft has an upper deck with an observation room, navigation and command space, and a captain’s cabin. The lower deck has an engine room and cargo bay with windows in the fore of the section for observation. With six gas bladders, it requires three to remain aloft.

Templeforge Cloud-Dragonfly
Tonnage 5 (16 without liftgas)
Size 60 ft. wide (20 ft. of wings on either side, 20 ft. of compartments), 30 ft. tall (20 ft. for central bladder, 10 ft. for bottom deck), 90 ft. long (bottom deck is 15 ft. by 30 ft.)
Maneuverability average (two 45 degree turns per move), but can hover
Engine Hit Points 25; Hardness 10
Maximum Acceleration 20 mph, 200 ft./round
Top Speed 60 mph, 500 ft./round
24-Hour Travel Distance 1,440 miles
Maximum Altitude 7,500 ft.

Each 5 ft. square section of the outer shell and compartments:

Hull Type alchemically treated wood
hp 480; Hull Points 48*; Hardness 7; Resist fire/5
AC 10; Fort +7, Ref +5, Will – (object)
Cargo Space 2 tons; Crew 2; Officers 1
Hull Craft DC 20; Engine Craft DC 20; Total Cost 61,000 gp

The lower deck of the high-flying Cloud-Dragonfly has a cargo space sandwiched between the engine room and command/navigation cabin. It has four gas bladders and two must be intact for it to remain aloft.

Templeforge Cloud-Damselfly
Tonnage 2 (5 without liftgas)
Size 40 ft. wide (15 ft. of wings on either side, 10 ft. of compartments), 20 ft. tall (10 ft. for central bladder, 10 ft. for bottom deck), 45 ft. long (bottom deck is 10 ft. by 15 ft.)
Maneuverability good (three 45 degree turns per move), and can hover
Engine Hit Points 20; Hardness 10
Maximum Acceleration 30 mph, 250 ft./round
Top Speed 75 mph, 640 ft./round
24-Hour Travel Distance 1,800 miles
Maximum Altitude 5,000 ft.

Each 5 ft. square section of the outer hull and compartments:

Hull Type alchemically treated wood
hp 150; Hull Points 15; Hardness 7; Resist fire/5
AC 12; Fort +7, Ref +5, Will – (object)
Cargo Space 0.5 tons; Crew 1; Officers 1
Hull Craft DC 20; Engine Craft DC 20; Total Cost 19,000 gp

The Damselfly is a speck of an airship, with a cramped lower deck and a modicum of cargo space sandwiched around the engine and navigation controls. There’s just enough room for extra fuel, a few cramped passengers, and some minor supplies. Damselflies see the most service as a short-range patrol vessel that depends on speed to outrun trouble. It has three gas bladders and two must remain intact for the airship to stay aloft.

Maps and Dragons
To see the Templeforged Dragon-class airship and associated map in all their glory, check out page 63 of issue #7. Don’t have the issue yet? Pick up your print or PDF copy today!

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