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League of Legends RPG: Mid Lane Champions!

League of Legends RPG: Mid Lane Champions!

While some players specialize, there are those who value flexibility instead. In League of Legends, champions in the Mid Lane and in the Jungle thrive due to their flexibility in and out of combat. Their range and mobility options allow them to fill gaps in a team’s composition.

These choices give the ability to make more tactical decisions. Do you need damage right now, or do you need to empower party members to deal more damage? Do you need to move to an advantageous position or can you make an opening for your allies? Characters who embody a Mid Lane or Jungle champion are always thinking about the combat at large, looking for ways to maneuver themselves and potentially others to find opportunities to strike.

If you want your ToV character to wield the same abilities as some of your favorite Mid Lane or Jungle champions, use one of these options inspired by their lore and abilities. This is not official Riot Games material, but it is great for your game!

Magic Item

Kassadin’s Void Stone

Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster)

This jagged amulet shimmers with the power of the void, allowing you to warp space with its alien light.

After you cast a spell of 1st circle or higher using a spell slot, you may use your reaction to teleport to a point you can see a number of feet away equal to 5 × the circle of the spell slot used. You may use this reaction a number of times equal to your PB. The amulet regains all expended uses at dawn each day.


These spells are inspired by mid lane champion abilities.

Ahri’s Spirit Rush

4th-Circle Arcane and Primordial (Evocation)
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Spiritual energy licks off of you like burning embers, lashing out at your enemies as you dance between them.

When you cast this spell, and as a bonus action on each of your turns before the spell ends, you may move up to 20 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. This does not use any of your movement for the turn and does not provoke attacks of opportunity. During this movement, you may select one creature you can see within 10 feet of you. That creature takes 1d10 fire damage and 1d10 radiant damage.

At Higher Circles. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th circle or higher, you may move an additional 10 feet and may deal the damage to an additional creature within range for each spell slot beyond 4th.

Nunu & Willump’s Biggest Snowball Ever!

4th-Circle Primordial (Transmutation)
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a snowball)
Duration: 1 minute

Snow begins to catch as you roll the biggest snowball ever in front of you . . . and it keeps getting faster!

You create a snowball in an empty space within 5 feet of you. A creature within 5 feet of the snowball can use its action to begin rolling the snowball, moving the ball as it moves up to 30 feet. During this movement, if the snowball is rolled into a target’s space, that creature must make a DEX save. On a failure, the target take 2d8 cold damage for every 10 feet the snowball rolled during that turn and is knocked prone. On a success, the target takes half the damage and is not prone. The spell then ends.

At Higher Circles. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th circle or higher, a creature can move the snowball an additional 10 feet in a turn for each spell slot beyond 4th.

Xerath’s Arcanopulse

2nd-Circle Arcane (Evocation)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20-foot long, 5-foot wide line
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Crackling arcane energy builds up in your hands, growing more powerful until you finally release it in a devastating beam.

You gather energy and can release it immediately. When you do, each target in range must make a DEX save, taking 4d6 lightning damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.

Alternatively, you can concentrate on the spell until the start of your next turn and decide whether to release it or continue holding it (no action required). For each round you choose to hold it before releasing it, the line’s length increases by 20 feet and damage increases by 2d6 lightning.

While concentrating on this spell, you cannot cast any other spells besides cantrips.

At Higher Circles. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd circle or higher, the spell starts out as if you have waited an additional round to release the energy for each spell slot beyond 1st.

Ziggs’s Satchel Charge

2nd-Circle Arcane (Evocation)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a drop of petroleum and a rubber ball)
Duration: Instantaneous

You hurl a bundle of explosive energy, detonating with concussive force on impact.

Select a point you can see within range. Creatures within 10 feet of that point must make a STR save. On a failure, they take 3d6 fire damage and are pushed 5 feet away from the center. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not pushed.

Willing friendly creatures of your choice within range do not take any damage from this spell and are instead launched up to 10 feet in a direction of their choice, landing safely on their feet in an empty space within range.

At Higher Circles. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd circle or higher, the fire damage increases by 1d6 and the distance an affected creature is moved increases by 5 feet for each spell slot beyond 2nd.

New Talents

These talents bring some mid lane flexibility to your game. (In other 5E games, these are called “feats.”)

Udyr’s Bridge Between (Martial Talent)

You invoke powerful spirits in the form of combat stances. When you take the attack action, select one of the following stances. Your attacks gain an additional effect when they hit and deal damage until the end of the turn based on your stance.

  • Bear Stance. You deal damage to an additional creature within 5 feet of your target equal to either your STR or DEX modifier, your choice.
  • Boar Stance. The target has disadvantage on their next attack roll that doesn’t target you until the end of their next turn.
  • Ram Stance. You can move up to 10 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity.
  • Cryophoenix Stance. You reduce the target’s speed by 5 feet until the end of their next turn.

Rengar’s Unseen Predator (Technical Talent)

Being hidden from your enemies fills you with an emboldening thrill as you stalk them. You gain the following benefits:

  • You can hide when you are only lightly obscured, and attacking while you are hidden does not reveal you if your attack misses.
  • While you are hidden, you have advantage on Insight, Perception, and Survival checks made to track and observe creatures you are hidden from.
  • While you are hidden, you can leap from your hiding place up to 15 feet toward a creature that you can see without making an Athletics check to jump.

Find more great options for your character in Tome of Heroes. Weapon options, subclasses, new races, and extensive rules for downtime are all waiting to make your adventures more awesome. Check out Tome of Heroes in the Kobold Press store today!

about Evan Noone

Evan Noone is an independent TTRPG writer and designer. Whether his storytelling prowess is a gift from his infernal patron, The Imp, or he is the fiend itself remains to be seen. You can explore his collection of TTRPG supplements on DMs Guild or follow him on twitter @impgames_.

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