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Lamia Adventurers (Part 2)

Lamia Adventurers (Part 2)

KQ 23 Cover
Last week, Marc Radle explored character class suggestions for lamia adventurers. This week, he provides us with favored class options and alternative racial traits. To learn more about lamias, be sure to also check out Kobold Quarterly 23.

Favored Class Options

Instead of receiving an additional skill rank or hit point whenever they gain a level in a favored class, lamia have the option of choosing from a number of other bonuses, depending upon their favored class or classes. The following options are available to all lamia who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each time you select the listed favored class reward.

Druid: Select one domain power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the druid’s Wisdom modifier. The druid adds 1/2 to the number of uses per day of that domain power. For lamia druids whose nature bond gives them an animal companion, add +1 skill rank to the animal companion. If the lamia ever replaces an animal companion, the new companion gains these bonus skill ranks.

Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter’s CMD when resisting a bull rush, grapple, or overrun.

Oracle: Add one spell known from the oracle spell list. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the lamia oracle can cast.

Ranger: Add DR 1/magic to the ranger’s animal companion. Each time the ranger selects this benefit, the DR/magic increases by +1/2 (maximum DR 10/magic). If the lamia ever replaces an animal companion, the new companion gains this DR.

Rogue: Add a +1/2 bonus to Bluff checks and Use Magic Device checks.

Sorcerer: Select one bloodline power at 1st level that is normally usable a number of times per day equal to 3 + the sorcerer’s Charisma modifier. The sorcerer adds +1/2 to the number of uses per day of that bloodline power.

Witch: Add one spell from the witch spell list to the lamia witch’s familiar. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell level the lamia can cast. If the witch ever replaces a familiar, the new familiar knows these bonus spells.

Alternative Racial Traits

The following racial traits replace existing lamia racial traits. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options.

Constrict: A lamia with this racial trait gains the constrict special attack, allowing the lamia to deal bludgeoning damage when the lamia makes a successful grapple check (in addition to any other effects caused by a successful check, including additional damage). The amount of damage equals 1d6 plus the lamia’s Strength bonus (if any). This replaces the intimidating racial trait.

Deceiver: All lamia are skilled manipulators and deceivers, although some truly excel in these skills. Such lamia are also harder for others to deceive. Lamia with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus to Bluff checks and Diplomacy checks and a +1 racial bonus to Sense Motive checks. This replaces the skilled racial trait.

Fanged: Occasionally, a lamia is born with sharp, snakelike fangs, granting a bite attack. This is a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage. Wounds caused by these fangs continue to bleed, inflicting 1 additional damage each round at the start of the affected creature’s turn. This bleeding can be stopped by a successful DC 15 Heal skill check or through the application of any magical healing. This racial trait replaces the weapon familiarity racial trait.

Magic Resistant: Some lamia are particularly resistant to magic. Lamia with this racial trait gain increased spell resistance. This spell resistance is equal to 7 + their character level. This racial trait replaces the spell resistance and intimidating racial traits.

Mystical Tattoo: Many lamia have mystical lunar symbols tattooed on their bodies, usually on their chest and/or forearms. For unknown reasons, these tattoos occasionally acquire actual spiritual power. Lamia with this racial trait gain a +1 luck bonus to all saving throws. This replaces the intimidating racial trait.

Persuasive Magic: Lamia with this racial trait are treated as 1 level higher when casting spells of the Enchantment school. This racial trait replaces the intimidating racial trait.

Racial Enmity: Lamia have long hated the creatures they refer to as the gesh’ vek (“false lamia”). Lamia with this racial trait receive a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls against any of these false lamia. This racial trait replaces the skilled racial trait.

Wisdom Drain: Some lamia commoners are born with a touch of their lamia matriarch’s wisdom drain ability. Three times per day, as a supernatural ability, such lamia can drain 1d4 points of Wisdom with a successful melee touch attack. A Will save negates this Wisdom drain. The DC of this Will save is equal to 10 + the lamia’s Charisma modifier. This racial trait replaces the lamia immunities and weapon familiarity traits.

[Updated: 11/4/2012]

2 thoughts on “Lamia Adventurers (Part 2)”

  1. Hey there doomedpaladin!

    Nope, wisdom drain is correct. Actual lamia matriarchs can do this at will. This lamia commoner racial trait is essentially a weaker version of the lamia matriarch’s wisdom drain ability. Admittedly, it is one of the stronger alternate racial traits a lamia commoner can take, which is why it replaces two standard racial traits – lamia immunities and weapon familiarity.

    Of course, since alternate racial traits are a purely optional part of the game, a GM is free to disallow this one if he feels it is too powerful

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