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Kobold Gift Guide for March—Game Master’s Day!

Kobold Gift Guide for March—Game Master’s Day!

March 4 is the international observation of GM’s day, the day when you show your appreciation for your GM who makes up stuff for free and then lets you eat their food too.

This month, the gift guide focuses on books and cards that aid gamemasters in running their campaigns. We’ve gathered some goodies for any new or seasoned gamemasters! Whether you’re shopping for yourself or looking for a graduation gift for that gaming nerd in your life, look at what springs anew in this season.

Worlds Full of Worldbuilding Tools

Worlds Without Number is part of the Old School Renaissance (OSR) community, so it has a rule system that matches more of the original versions of TRPG games.

This book has a complete rule system, but doesn’t take up much of the page count. Instead, a massive amount of system-neutral gamemaster and world-building tools take up most of the space.

I’ve used this book as a resource for running a fantasy RPG game set in Kobold Press’s Midgard setting with great success. The two blend very well!

This book contains tables ranging from world history to rolling up adventures. There’s even a whole system for running factions between sessions. There is not a GM under the sun who wouldn’t benefit from spending their lengthening days with this gift.

Price: $59.99 (Hardcover) or $19.99 (PDF) DriveThruRPG

Good Advice for Taking it Easy

I’ve been a “forever gamemaster” . . . well, just about forever. And I’ve always struggled with over-prepping for my campaigns. After I started using advice from Sly Flourish’s Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master advice, it immediately improved my happiness with running my games and the enjoyment of my players.

The fundamental tricks in this book involve learning to enjoy RPGs more by preparing less and somehow adding more value than you had before. The book includes practical steps for focusing on GM preparation activities and those that significantly impact a campaign.

This is an excellent gift for someone interested in running their games but nervous or unsure where to begin.

Price: $19.99 (Softcover) or $7.99 (PDF) DriveThruRPG

Know What Condition Your Condition Is In

As a player, it can get tricky to remind yourself of a condition effect when your character fails a critical saving throw.

You’re going to ask your GM, and they’re going to say, “Look it up, dude.” No worries, though, because the great people at Hitpoint Press have saved you and your GM from having to have this conversation one more time.

These cards have the condition rules for fifth edition with a tile to animate art to help remind you of the effect impacting your character. Now your GM can just toss you one of these cards to hold in your stiff, stony hand to review while you deal with petrification.

Price: $29.99  Hitpoint Press

A Journal for Your Adventures Together

Friend to Kobolds and fantasy writer extraordinaire, Lou Anders runs his own game company too, Lazy Wolf Studio. His Scandinavian folklore inspired campaign, Norrøngard, really cools down the increeasingly warm days of spring ahead.

Here is the Player’s Guide of Norrøngard, crammed full of skald adventurer goodness! Why is this for GMs? It gives a short overview of the world without spoiling any potential surprises. It also features three new ancestries, eight new subclasses, new backgrounds, and feats for crafting a new character.

Price: $14.99 (Softcover) or $9.99 (PDF)  DriveThruRPG

Getting Into the Big Chair

This new paperback book was written by Atlas Games RPG developer, Justin Alexander, who also runs the Alexandrian RPG blog.

This book is packed with practical ways for new and aspiring gamemasters to create fantastic dungeons, battles, roleplay encounters, and more. It’s full of hands-on advice about building dungeons, populating whole campaigns, and even how to run the perfect heist.

This is great purchase for someone who’s considering running a campaign but might be worried they don’t know how to start.

Price: $20.24 (Paperback) Amazon

Let a Kobold Be Your Guide

Kobold Press has a whole series of award-winning books of essays and think pieces about various aspects of RPGs. The Kobold Guide to Dungeons, Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding, and the Kobold Guide to Gamemastering all spring to mind.

But just in case your object of giftification already has the whole set, cast your eyes toward the most newest release, the Kobold Guide to Roleplaying. It contains thoughtful, practical essays from seasoned RPG writers such as Michael E. Shea, Keith Ammann, Shanna Germain, and Luke Gygax, along with roleplaying influencers such as Ginny Di, B. Dave Walters, Clint McElroy, and many more.

Price: $24.99 (Softcover & PDF) Kobold Guide to Roleplaying

about Jonathan Miley

Jonathan Miley was introduced to D&D during his high school days when he quickly become the forever DM for his groups. Jonathan’s love for anything fantasy, science fiction, and horror fueled his desire to create adventures and monsters. His first published adventure was A Drinking Problem, where he fell in love with Kobold Press’s Rum Gremlins and created the Gremlin Rum Lord that appeared in Tome of Beast 2. Jonathan has since published various creatures in Tome of Beast 3 such as the Coastline Reaper, Shadow Lurker, and the Forgotten Regent.

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