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Kobold Ecologies Unleashed!

Kobold Ecologies Unleashed!

Yes ladies and gents, Kobold Ecologies has been unleashed up on the world. Lord have mercy, it’s a monster!

This book collects every ecology from every issue of Kobold Quarterly to date, updates them and revises them, and then ADDS MORE Ecologies. It’s an Ecology sandwich.

And those new ones are not just any additional ecologies, the kind you might find at …. other web sites. Oh no, indeed. These have been collected from the quills of Matthew Banach (you don’t know the name… yet), Joshua Stevens (too many KQ credits to list here) and Clinton Boomer (2008 RPG Superstar finalist!). I can assure you the new ones are super-tasty, including the Ecology of the Half-Giant, the Retriever, and the Revenant.

In addition, the whole set has been improved under the editorial hand of John Rateliff. He whipped these into very fine shape indeed.

How can you get your copy? Simply order from the KQ Store today, and it will be shipped to you immediately or by US Mail, your choice. Let the word of their monstrosity spread from sea to sea!

10 thoughts on “Kobold Ecologies Unleashed!”

  1. The vast majority of the ecologies are 3E; there are 11 3E sets of stats, and 2 sets for 4E.

    The material is mostly flavor, but all of them include lore tables, and all include rules elements like feats, spells, variant monster stats, incantations, equipment, and NPC stats.

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