Happy 2024, Kobolds!

Happy 2024, Kobolds!

It’s a good thing time keeps moving, because we kind of filled up 2023 here in the warrens. An all-new year gives us room for new ideas and new games!

This year, the blog will keep on churning out cool new ideas every weekday to improve your games—including a lot more Tales of the Valiant stuff this year—which you can still use for other compatible games, if you happened to play any. But I mean really why.

Check back every weekday (and the occasional weekend when the blog editor thumbs his nose at SEO traffic)! Visit the store (Deep Magic 1 & 2 are pretty sweet), check out the action over on our Discord server, and leaving a comment here on the blog is always welcome, unless you’re spamming us trying to send traffic your Wordle rip-off site. P.S. Spammers: Please stop doing that.

We’ll be back tomorrow with what the new media types call “content,” and what cooler heads refer to as “gaming stuff.”

Play a lot in 2024! It’s going to be a great year for it!

7 thoughts on “Happy 2024, Kobolds!”

  1. An exciting year ahead, full of fresh ideas and content focused on enhancing gaming experiences, particularly within the Tales of the Valiant universe.

  2. Check back every weekday (and the occasional weekend when the blog editor thumbs his nose at SEO traffic)! Visit the store (Deep Magic 1 & 2 are pretty sweet), check out the action over on our Discord server, and leaving a comment here on the blog is always welcome, unless you’re spamming us trying to send traffic your Wordle rip-off site. P.S. Spammers: Please stop doing that.

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