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Fistful of Lead: Ullr the Red

Fistful of Lead: Ullr the Red

Ullr the Red is one of the heroic barbarians from Red Box Games. The figure comes in two pieces, the body itself and the massive axe (wielded two-handed). The base was not included for this review. This figure is not recommended for starting painters. Ullr is available from Red Box Games directly and retails for $9.99.

The Axe
First, the axe, because it’s two-handed, must be handled with some degree of finesse. The two contact points need to be lined up before applying the glue or adding pins, and insuring that you have a match can be tricky. With my clumsy fingers, I had a hell of a time trying to match up my miniature with how the image looks. [More…]

This might be because the image of the web site is a green and it doesn’t match the production model or that I’m in need of instruction. After a half-hour, I managed to get it to the point where I was satisfied with it. Note that on the end of the right arm, there is a pre-built pin for the arm. It’s at a point that doesn’t match where the angle should be on the miniature.

The Base
More of an issue however, is the long slot that the figure is meant to be based with. I tried a 20mm square base, a 25 mm square base, a 30mm square base and had no luck. Breaking out some clippers, I snipped the slot off. I then used a pin vice drill to put a brass rod into his left foot and attached it to a resin base.

Here he almost makes it. For those who don’t want to rebase the figure or want to keep the tab, you should be able to use the clippers and snip off the corners at an edge, allowing you to use a 25mm base.

Here there is no chance. Part of this is the irony of the 30mm base. Sure, the base is bigger, but it has a rounded lip which cuts into the amount of available space.

In the end, the big guy has had the slot tab clipped off, pin in the foot, and with the old Zap A Gap and the kicker, firmly placed onto an icy base. Or more properly, a “Winter Shale Base”, from Micro Art Studio.

For people who have no problem with doing that minor bit of work, the figure is well worth the effort. The hair is done in an interesting fashion ending in dreadlocks. From his neck hangs a tooth. The belt region not only boasts the standard pouch, but also a sheathed dagger in the front Around back, Ullr carries another belt pouch and a horn to sound the alert. The fur boots have leather bands about them. The leather skirt is a mix of patches of leather with fur. This gives painter’s material to use the old standard dry brush technique as well as layering and highlighting.

In terms of price value, while not as inexpensive as Reaper (a company that Tre Manor of Red Box Games also sculpts for), this figure compares very well to almost every other range from Anima and Warhammer. And it is less expensive than Andrea’s 32mm line and Avatars of War.

Summary: If you’re chomping to find a barbarian with a two-handed axe in anticipation of Wizard of the Coast’s Player’s Handbook II and you don’t mind a little elbow grease, Ullr the Red is for you.

1 thought on “Fistful of Lead: Ullr the Red”

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