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Courts of the Shadow Fey

Courts of the Shadow Fey

“A five-star adventure that everyone should play at some point in their gaming career.” (Reviewer at DriveThruRPG)

We first released Courts of the Shadow Fey in 2013 for the 4th Edition of the world’s first roleplaying game, and for Pathfinder 1st Edition. Now, years later, we’re bringing this enduring classic to 5th Edition in a revised, full-color hardcover edition!

The Free City of Zobeck has thrived since overthrowing the tyrannical Stross family. But an ancient bargain gives the Queen of Night and Magic a claim to the city—and now the shadow fey have seized Zobeck as their own. The city’s only hope lies with a band of heroes who can outfight and outwit the shadow fey in the heart of their own realm: the maze of treachery and deceit that is the Courts of the Shadow Fey.

You can pre-order this adventure now on the Kobold Press Store! The regular edition is a gorgeous tome complete with a fold-out map. But if you’re a collector, you won’t want to miss out on the opulent special edition, which has a unique cover, endpapers, bookmarks… the works! We’re only printing 100 of them, so don’t miss out on this chance.

2 thoughts on “Courts of the Shadow Fey”

  1. Hello! This adventure is a MUST-HAVE for me as a DM currently running Waterdeep and wanting to segue into a fey intrigue situation. That said, between currency conversion and shipping it’s prohibitively expensive to get it to Canada ($90+ CAD). Are there stores in Canada that will be stocking this? Will Amazon.ca stock this and lower shipping costs? Any other options? Thanks so much.

  2. I totally missed out on this product in its 4E incarnation, but just the other day I found the current 5E version at my local game store and I love it! I’m going to have to hurry my game group up to 7th level so that I can throw them into this adventure. The rules for status seem so neat and should make court intrigue a lot more interesting.

    One thing though, as I was reading the book I kept thinking, “wow, these guys should do a 5E sourcebook for Zelazny’s Amber.” I feel like you captured the feel of the Fey so clearly that you could nail Amber as well. Just my two cents.

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