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Collection of Curiosities: The Pie

Collection of Curiosities: The Pie

"Jiro the Kobold" by Pat LoboykoSometimes adventurers end up in places where bakers provide yummy goodness in the form of pies. But what ARE those pies? You can roll randomly for a result below, or use the handy number provided with each entry to figure out your result on a d12. You can also pick the one that works for the area in which your characters currently linger.

d12. Curiosity

  1. This hearty meat pie seems to have some form of tentacle beastie in it, too. You see a tentacle reach up through the crust.
  2. You’re not entirely sure who’d want a pie full of bees. Unless it was meant as a practical joke!
  3. The scent of citrus greets your nose, though upon a closer look, you see pairs of eyes blinking in the substance under the meringue.
  4. The bones sticking up through the crust of this pie indicate that perhaps you shouldn’t eat this one.
  5. A crown on top of the pie holds a note: “The one who finds the crown in the pie rules for a day.”
  6. All that’s left of this pie is a gooey mess. A tiny fey creature is making shooing motions at you, crumbs all over her face.
  7. This otherwise gorgeous cherry pie has what seem to be cat paw prints in the middle of the pie crust.
  8. The pie smells like…everything you could ever want to eat. How could that be?
  9. This uncooked pie has a centipede crawling from a slit in the top crust.
  10. Something inside this apple pie is chiming every few seconds.
  11. The pie fades out, then fades back in, with one piece gone. It does that again a minute later. One more piece is missing.
  12. Cutting into this pie causes a lot of glitter to cascade downward, and you hear a voice crying out, “PIE THIEF!!!!”

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