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Arcane Season 2. Play the Hextechnician subclass for your ToV mechanist character!

Arcane Season 2. Play the Hextechnician subclass for your ToV mechanist character!

With the release of Arcane Season 2 on Netflix, we are once again thrown into the streets of Piltover and Zaun as factions vie for power in the wake of a devastating attack. The conflict and intrigue in these cities is captivating and, crucially, provides wonderful inspiration for your own TTRPG designs.

Hextech weaponry reaches its apex in Arcane Season 2’s finale as we see the forces of Piltover and Zaun fight back against Noxian soldiers aiming to usher Viktor towards his glorious evolution.

We see Jayce fight toe-to-toe against not only one of the Glorious Evolved within the council chambers, but also against Viktor himself in the depths of the Hexgate. Despite not being a trained soldier and combatant, what gives Jayce a fighting chance is his mastery of his Mercury Hammer and his knowledge of Hextech and its applications in combat.

If you want to play a master of Hextech weaponry and channel magical might through your armaments, try out the Hextechnician subclass for the Mechanist!


Hextechnicians are mechanists who seek to fuse different kinds of magic, often into weaponry with explosive potential.

Modular Weapon

3rd-Level Hextechnician Feature

With clever Hextech engineering, you create a transforming Modular Weapon that can switch forms between two different weapons. Over the course of a short or long rest, you can touch one nonmagical melee weapon and one nonmagical ranged weapon, combining them into your Modular Weapon. You must have proficiency with both weapons and both must be within 5 feet of you to do this. You can only have one Modular Weapon at a time. If you make a second one, the first one falls apart. Only you can use the features of the Modular Weapon.

When you make an attack with the Modular Weapon, you select which incorporated weapon it transforms into for that attack, and it changes instantly (no action required).

You can augment each weapon that is incorporated into the Modular Weapon separately. If more than one incorporated weapon is augmented, the Modular Weapon still counts as only one augmented item.

When you complete a short or long rest, you can replace one weapons incorporated into your Modular Weapon with a different of the same type (melee or ranged). You must have the weapon and have proficiency with it in order to do so. The weapon you replaced appears within 5 ft. of you in a place you can see.


3rd-Level Hextechnician Feature

Your Modular Weapon thrums with energy called hexcharges. When you take the Use an Object action with your Modular Weapon subclass feature, and after you deal damage to a creature with an attack made with your Modular Weapon, it gains 1 hextech charge.

Your Modular Weapon can have a maximum number of hexcharges at any given time based on your mechanist level. See the hexcharge maximum column on the Hexcharge Progression table. You can spend hexcharges to fuel various abilities, and can spend up to a maximum number of hexcharges in one attack. Your number of hexcharges resets to 0 when you roll Initiative or after 1 minute.

Hexcharge Progression
Mechanist LevelHexcharge MaximumHexcharges Spendable at Once

Hexcharges can be spent in the following ways as a reaction:

  • Boost Accuracy. When you miss with an attack made with your Modular Weapon, you can spend hexcharges to retroactively gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll for each hexcharge spent, potentially turning the miss into a hit.
  • Boost Damage. When you deal damage with your Modular Weapon, you can spend hexcharges to deal an extra 1d6 force or lightning damage (chosen each time you use this feature) for each hexcharge spent.
  • Protective Barrier. When you take damage, if you are holding your Modular Weapon, you can spend hexcharges to reduce the damage you take by 1d6 for each hexcharge spent.

Weapon of Tomorrow

7th-Level Hextechnician Feature

Your experimentation has paid off, allowing your Modular Weapon to tap further into the arcane. You can now incorporate magic weapons into your Modular Weapon. If more than one incorporated weapon requires attunement, you can instead attune to the Modular Weapon, which counts as attunement to each incorporated weapon.

In addition, your Modular Weapon gains an extra effect when you hit a creature depending on whether you are using an incorporated melee weapon or incorporated ranged weapon.

  • Melee. You can push the target up to 10 feet away from you if it is Large or smaller. If you push the target into a solid surface or another creature, both take force damage equal to your INT modifier.
  • Ranged. The attack bursts with arcane energy. The target and any creatures within 5 feet of it take Force or Lightning damage (chosen each time you use this feature) equal to your INT modifier.

Efficient Weapon

11th-Level Hextechnician Feature

Your hextech engineering has grown in efficiency and power. When you take the Use an Object action on your Modular Weapon, you now gain 2 hexcharges instead of 1. In addition, when you spend 3 or more hexcharges at once, you can make an attack with your Modular Weapon as part of the same reaction.

Hextech Master

15-Level Hextechnician Feature

You have reached a peak of hextech engineering and unlocked the fullest potential of your Modular Weapon and hexcharges. Your hexcharges have increased effectiveness:

  • Boost Accuracy. The attack bonus increases to +3 for each hexcharge spent instead of +2.
  • Boost Damage. The additional force or lightning damage increases to 1d10 for each hexcharge spent instead of 1d6.
  • Protective Barrier. The damage you reduce increases to 1d10 for each hexcharge spent instead of 1d6.

In addition, you can now incorporate three weapons into your Modular Weapon at the same time instead of two. This third weapon can be either melee or ranged.

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CLICK HERE to get in on the action!

about Evan Noone

Evan Noone is an independent TTRPG writer and designer. Whether his storytelling prowess is a gift from his infernal patron, The Imp, or he is the fiend itself remains to be seen. You can explore his collection of TTRPG supplements on DMs Guild or follow him on Bluesky @impgames.bsky.social.

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