While some lands are naturally blessed with ample sources of magic, calling upon spells is more difficult in others. And while some magical locations are naturally occurring or the result of magical catastrophes, others can be manipulated into being by the powerful to suit their needs or punish their foes. Manipulating the raw power of creation is a difficult task, and these spells are not common, but they lead to interesting stories about the effect magic can have on the ability to call upon more magic in the future.
Here we look as three related spells that affect the ability to use magic within a large area. With them, magic might become more frequent, harder to call upon, or even draw other planes closer.
Eldritch Abundance
7th-level transmutation (bard, druid, wizard)
Casting Time: 8 hours
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a wondrous item of uncommon rarity or higher)
Duration: 1 week
You infuse the area within 1 mile of a spot that you touch with abundant, overflowing magic. Creatures in the area find magic comes easily, even for those who could not cast spells before. Spells are more powerful than intended and can be accompanied by random effects of wild magic.
Spells cast within the area are enhanced by the power of the enchanted area. Spells are treated as if the caster had expended a spell slot one higher than the slot used. The caster must still expend a spell slot of the minimum level normally required to cast the spell.
Individuals in the area sometimes gain spontaneous magical ability. Creatures with an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma of 6 or higher that complete a long rest within the area must roll a d20 upon waking. If the result is a 1, the humanoid gains knowledge of a randomly determined cantrip that you knew when casting this spell. The humanoid uses Charisma as their spellcasting ability. Knowledge of the cantrip is lost if the creature casts the cantrip or completes another long rest.
While eldritch abundance is active, you cannot recover the spell slot used to cast it. This spell requires a wondrous item of uncommon rarity or higher in order to cast the spell. The item is destroyed as part of casting the spell.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level, the duration is 1 month. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 9th level, the duration is 1 year.
Meager Threads
7th-level transmutation (druid, wizard, warlock)
Casting Time: 8 hours
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a wondrous item of uncommon rarity or higher)
Duration: 1 week
You disrupt the flow of magic in an area, within 1 mile of a spot that you touch, making it more difficult for spellcasters to complete their spells and blunting their effects.
Spells cast within the area take more of the caster’s power to invoke. In order to cast a spell of 1st level or higher while within the affected area, a spellcaster must expend a spell slot one level higher than normally required, gaining no additional benefit for casting the spell one level higher. For those spells that benefit when cast at a higher level, casting it using a spell slot two or more levels above that required is similarly treated as though the slot used was one less.
Spells are not as powerful as they otherwise should be. When damage or healing is rolled for a spell or a magic item that duplicates a spell, decrease the total by 1 per die.
While meager threads is active, you cannot recover the spell slot used to cast it. This spell requires a wondrous item of uncommon rarity or higher in order to cast the spell. The item is destroyed as part of casting the spell.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 8th level, the duration is 1 month. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 9th level, the duration is 1 year.
Thin the Veil
6th-level conjuration (cleric, sorcerer, warlock, wizard)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood or a piece of flesh from a creature native to the chosen plane)
Duration: 1 month
You thin the barrier between the Material Plane and a plane that you designate while casting this spell. It becomes easier to cross to and summon creatures from the named plane in an area 1,000 feet from a point that you touch while casting the spell.
Spells that transport to or summon creatures from the named plane do not require a material component until the duration of this spell ends. Random encounters in the affected area occur on 17–20 on a d20, and always involve a creature native to the named plane or involve accidentally crossing over to the other plane (equal chance of either).
Adventure Ideas
Purposefully disrupting the flow of magic is a powerful and dangerous ability that can cause widespread damage to the enchanted area. Many of the stories that come from adding eldritch abundance, meager threads, or thin the veil to your game come from the unintended consequences that might come with those spells. In addition, two of these spells require sacrificing a magic item, so finding wondrous items quickly becomes a reoccurring quest for those who want to enchant the lands around their strongholds.
- One-Sided War. An army supported by many clerics or wizards might benefit from casting eldritch abundance, only to be surprised by the adventurers being empowered. At the same time, an invading army led by a single archmage might appreciate meager threadsand its drain on their foe’s magical defenses.
- A Whole New World. Characters exploring the planes might benefit from thin the veil, but it comes with the danger of alien creatures slipping into the Material Plane or locals becoming trapped far from home. Parties with servants or allies may find themselves having to protect their friends, or even chase after them after they accidentally cross over into another plane.
- First One’s Free. Eldritch abundance makes magic easier and potentially empowers a local populace with cantrips to better their daily lives. It also allows a party to work together with empowered spells to grow their stronghold. However, like the other spells that manipulate magic, its not without risks.
Does Meager Threads cancel out Eldrich Abundance and Vice Versa? Or do they just partially conflict and the spell is cast as though its the same level and all the other effects work as written on the spells?
As written, its a DM call, but I would treat them like Haste/Slow and have them cancel out.
Big fan if these persistent effect spells.
Added to the Blog Database.
Does Eldritch Abundance affect additional castings of Eldritch Abundance? As written a clever caster seems to be able to get the benefit of the 9th level casting by casting it once with a 7th level slot and then again in the same place using an 8th level slot.
Love these ideas.
Sadly no, per the PHB “The effects of the same spell cast multiple times don’t combine.” Of course if the DM wanted them to stack, it might for an interesting story but that would be up to your DM.