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Advanced Races 6: Kobolds Now Available

Advanced Races 6: Kobolds Now Available

Advanced Races: KoboldsSmall but Fierce!

For a kobold nearly every foe is a giant to kill, and they have long practice at evening the odds. Kobolds are the ultimate underdog contenders, striving gamely to survive and conquer in a hostile and brutal world. Like all true heroes, the odds are against them—and glory is waiting to be seized in their tiny, scaled claws!

For reasons which must be obvious, we are VERY pleased to present Advanced Races 6: Kobolds. This book gives you everything you need to play a member of this iconic race in the campaign world of your choice. Compatible with Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, this 32-page book by designers Nicholas Milasich and Matt Blackie includes:

  • Practical notes on kobold ecology, culture and gods
  • 100 kobold names and 10 traits that come with them, including Dirtskulker, Ghostsnare and Gougeeye
  • 7 alternate racial traits, and 26 new kobold feats
  • 7 new archetypes including Arcanomechanist, Scrap Warrior and Tunnel Harrier
  • New gear, spells, magic items and street traps
  • And much more!

The whole world is against you—and you have so very many surprises planned for it…

Get Advanced Races 6: Kobolds in print at the Kobold Store, and in PDF format at DriveThruRPG and Paizo!

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