The tavern is a staple of games everywhere, but creating new and interesting ones can be tiring, especially if your PCs travel from town to town often! Our Tavern Generator will provide tables for not only naming your tavern but also for fleshing out your tavern keeper, food, drinks, and attributes unique to each establishment. Whether the PCs are only passing through or this becomes their new home base, this provides all the elements needed to keep things interesting!
Tavern Name Generator (Roll Twice)
1d20 | Name Part One | Name Part Two |
1 | The Spicy | Boar |
2 | The Giant | Owlbear |
3 | The Sleepy | Hammer |
4 | The Cozy | Wineskin |
5 | The Pink | Cookpot |
6 | The Black | Cockatrice |
7 | The Curious | Spoon |
8 | The Bloated | Cask |
9 | The Holy | Cellar |
10 | The Pitted | Nightingale |
11 | The Golden | Unicorn |
12 | The Pale | Imp |
13 | The Petrified | Mushroom |
14 | The Hollow | Apple |
15 | The Keen | Knife |
16 | The Horned | Bed |
17 | The Lonely | Mask |
18 | The Feathered | Cloche |
19 | The Murky | Hyacinth |
20 | The Transcendent | Beetle |
Tavern Attribute
1d10 | Attribute |
1 | There are two stone wells out back. One well is filled with water. The other is filled with liquid moonlight. |
2 | At 2:02 p.m. every day, a rat runs across the floor. It can be caught and killed. The next day, a rat appears, running the exact same route. No one ever sees where it comes from. |
3 | Folks who sleep in Room 2 always wake up missing one sock. |
4 | The beams of the walls and ceiling grow branches that blossom with fragrant yellow flowers on the spring solstice. |
5 | The cask of red wine behind the bar never needs refilling. |
6 | In the evenings, a snowy owl perches in the rafters. On occasion, it will swoop down and deposit one of its feathers in front of a chosen patron, and it will bites the hand of anyone else who tries to take it. The feather is a feather token. |
7 | Every once in a while, one of the knots in the wood walls opens and reveals an eye. The eye watches for a while before closing again and returning to normal wood. It is never the same knot and never the same eye. |
8 | The reflection in the mirror at the top of the stairs doesn’t match what’s on this side of it. |
9 | Folks sleeping on the second floor occasionally hear footsteps, pacing across the ceiling above them. There is no third floor. |
10 | A huge, majestic tree grows outside the front door. Its crinkled leaves grow pure white, and it grows deep-crimson fruit the size of a fist on the full moon. Locals say that a unicorn died in that spot and the tree grew from its corpse. |
Tavern Keeper Quirk
1d12 | Trait |
1 | Likes animals more than people. |
2 | Studied for years to be a wizard but never mastered any spells other than mage hand and prestidigitation. |
3 | Viscerally despises the color purple. |
4 | Keeps a rather robust collection of romance novels in their private quarters. Most of them are signed. |
5 | Actively avoids using words over two syllables long. |
6 | Keeps a “lucky” mummified white dragon foot hidden behind the bar. |
7 | Has two identical siblings with nearly identical names. They take joy from confusing new patrons. |
8 | Used to perform at a traveling circus. Is still a moderately talented sword swallower and fire juggler. Knows how to energize a crowd. |
9 | Is a wicked card sharp. |
10 | Automatically knows exactly how much coin is being tossed on a table by the sound alone. |
11 | Keeps a pet mouse hidden in their pocket. |
12 | Has a closet dedicated entirely to their collection of capes and cloaks. |
Food and Drink
1d10 | Food/Drink Name | Food/Drink Description |
1 | White Dragon Stew | A mix of wild mushrooms sauteed with shallots served in a cream broth and topped with chopped mandrake. |
2 | Baba Yaga’s Brew | Mulled red wine topped with a floater of grain alcohol and served on fire. |
3 | Fathomless Depths | Squid ink pasta with kelp and quipper rounds. |
4 | Dark Forest Stroganov | Hearty dumplings with wild boar meatballs and a thick brown sauce. |
5 | Spotted Cow | Vanilla milk, served cold or hot, with a swirl of spiced tea and spoonful of tapioca pearls. |
6 | Cluck and a Peck | A small baked hen, stuffed with seasoned grits, polenta, or other milled grain. |
7 | Roasted Fire Beetle | A giant fire beetle roasted in its own juices. Served with clarified butter. |
8 | Birds on a Branch | A skewer of five juvenile stirges, slow cooked over an open flame. Served over a bed of seasonal vegetables. |
9 | Bilge Rat’s Bile | A mug of warm brown ale mixed with a shot of whiskey and egg whites. A guaranteed hangover cure! |
10 | Cavuy Pot Pie | Rich, fatty rodent meat cooked in a savory pastry crust with root vegetables and a thick gravy. |
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Always need more taverns!
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