Who’s On First?

Who’s On First?

If the current commission were for just a 3E project or just a 4E project, it would already be funded; patrons have supported the work and there’s lots of interest. In a perfect world, I would be merrily writing up the outline and taking the first couple of rounds of polls, brainstorming, and feedback by now. The design ship would have sailed.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case. While fans of the two editions have some crossover, the “gimme either edition” crowd is a small minority. D&D fandom seems to be a house divided.

And as a result, the next Open Design may take a little longer to commission. To make your choice easier, though, I’ve removed another option from the running. Court of the Shadow Fey is removed from the voting starting today, and so there’s just two competitors left: 3E Tales of Zobeck or the 4E Wrath of the River King. Both will be written when and if their commissions are met. The one that meets the bar first will get a head start, the other will follow along after.

So tell me, who’s on first?

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