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Trapsmith: The Gift of Greed

Trapsmith: The Gift of Greed

Artist: Giovanni Antonio AmadeoTrapsmiths trust in greed. Greed is what drives the adventurer into the dungeon, and greed is the thing that brings about their demise.  The trap below might be placed in a location that serves as a gateway to later locations in a dungeon or keep. The inhabitants know not to approach the statue, but those who intend only to loot the place might find more than they anticipated.

A statue of a kneeling angel stands in the room’s center. The angel’s arms are stretched out before it; the statue’s hands hold a flask of sorts.

Anyone coming within 5 feet of the statue must succeed on a DC 13 Will save or feel compelled to take and consume the contents of the flask as per the beguiling gift spell.

Gift of Angels Trap    CR 3

Type magical; Perception DC 27; Disable Device DC 27
Trigger proximity (alarm); Reset none
Effect spell effect (heightened beguiling gift, DC 13 Will save negates)

The true danger of the gift of angel trap is determined by the gift it offers. Some suggestions are listed below. Each suggestion describes how the CR of the trap changes.

The flask holds blinding sickness; increase CR of the trap to 4.

The flask contents are vile, resulting in filth fever. CR of the trap remains 3.

The flask is filled with a sweet concoction, and imbibing it results in the shakes. The CR of the trap remains 3.

The flask is filled with arsenic. The CR of the trap remains 3.

The flask is filled with hemlock. Increase the CR of the trap to 5.

If you’re interested in seeing more traps to add to your encounters, please do speak up and make your wish known!

(This post is Product Identity.)

6 thoughts on “Trapsmith: The Gift of Greed”

  1. Another awesome trap Darkjoy. I have missed seeing these articles on a regular basis. Looking forward to more devious traps from a master trapsmith.

  2. i love seeing traps like this! especially when doing what i am doing now in a home campaign: Game mastering the exploration of an entire lost ruined city. (Yes, the Serpent Skull campaign.)

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