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Seven Cities

Midgard Monday: Getting the warband together, part 6

The season of war is the tradition of the Septime Cities. They fight each other, and they fight whoever threatens. The Mharoti Empire is one of those ever-present threats, gathering like storm clouds on the horizon. This series will help a GM run a campaign to explore the fight to free the Illyrian marches along the eastern border of the Seven Cities.

Midgard Monday: Getting the warband together, part 6 Read More »

Midgard Monday: Getting the warband together, part 5

The season of war is the tradition of the Septime Cities. They fight each other, and they fight whoever threatens. The Mharoti Empire is one of those ever-present threats, gathering like storm clouds on the horizon. This series will help a GM run a campaign to explore the fight to free the Illyrian marches along the eastern border of the Seven Cities.

Midgard Monday: Getting the warband together, part 5 Read More »

Midgard Monday: Getting the warband together, part 4

The season of war is the tradition of the Septime Cities. They fight each other, and they fight whoever threatens. The Mharoti Empire is one of those ever-present threats, gathering like storm clouds on the horizon. This series will help a GM run a campaign to explore the fight to free the Illyrian marches along the eastern border of the Seven Cities.

Midgard Monday: Getting the warband together, part 4 Read More »

Midgard Monday: Getting the warband together, part 3

The season of war is the tradition of the Septime Cities. They fight each other, and they fight whoever threatens. The Mharoti Empire is one of those ever-present threats, gathering like storm clouds on the horizon. This series will help a GM run a campaign to explore the fight to free the Illyrian marches along the eastern border of the Seven Cities.

Midgard Monday: Getting the warband together, part 3 Read More »

Midgard Monday: Getting the warband together, part 2

The season of war is the tradition of the Septime Cities. They fight each other, and they fight whoever threatens. The Mharoti Empire is one of those ever-present threats, gathering like storm clouds on the horizon. This series will help a GM run a campaign to explore the fight to free the Illyrian marches along the eastern border of the Seven Cities.

Midgard Monday: Getting the warband together, part 2 Read More »

Midgard Monday: Getting the (war)band together in Illyria, part 1

The season of war is the tradition of the Septime Cities. They fight each other, and they fight whoever threatens. The Mharoti Empire is one of those ever-present threats, gathering like storm clouds on the horizon. This series will help a GM run a campaign to explore the fight to free the Illyrian marches along the eastern border of the Seven Cities.

Midgard Monday: Getting the (war)band together in Illyria, part 1 Read More »

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