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Freeport Project Funded and Underway!

Freeport Project Funded and Underway!

Howard Pyle PirateThe Dark Deeds in Freeport patron project has met its commission! Lead designer Mike Furlanetto will transition into design work immediately with the patrons. This is going to be a wild ride through the Freeport setting, with creator Chris Pramas on hand to keep things official. Chris has promised Dark Deeds good latitude for project patrons to put forward original ideas for an action-packed adventure using the Pathfinder rules set.

As a special-thank you to the project’s patrons and participants, Green Ronin is providing them with a 10% discount on one transaction in the Green Ronin online store, including all PDFs and print materials, not just Freeport books. That patron discount code will go out to patrons by separate email, but it’s not too late! The project design is starting now, and you can join the crew of a fully-funded project as the design begins — and get the discount too!

Thanks to everyone who supported this project launch. We’re gonna have a great time in Freeport!

5 thoughts on “Freeport Project Funded and Underway!”

  1. Congratulations to Mike and Co for filling the hold of the good ship Dark Deeds with enough booty to set sail! Heave-ho and a fair wind to ye. Yaaaaar!

    (watch out for vikings, ok?)

  2. Totally your call Zaukie, but the Freeport core setting book is system-free. And patrons get a discount on Freeport books they buy from Green Ronin.

    Just sayin’.

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