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Dead Eyes and Battle Scars (Part 2 of 2)

Dead Eyes and Battle Scars (Part 2 of 2)

the hard life

There’s a flip side to chronic injury. The same experiences that permanently wound adventurers also mold them into superior combatants. Even the most fumbled attack by a paragon-tier PC deals some damage.

Below are several feats open to paragon tier characters that reflect this expertise.

Ache of Wrath

Prerequisite Cleric or Invoker
Benefit If you miss with an encounter attack power with the divine keyword and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal radiant damage to the original target equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on damage…

Bell Ringer

Prerequisite Str 15, Con 17
Benefit If you miss with a melee attack with a flail, hammer or mace and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, your original target grants combat advantage to the next melee attack made against it before the start of its next turn. This effect receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on weapon damage.


Prerequisite Wizard, Int 17
Benefit If you miss with a wizard attack power against a foe while wielding an implement, and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to the original target equal to your implement’s enhancement bonus. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on damage.

Chin Clock

Prerequisite Fighter, Str 17 or Con 17
Benefit If you miss with a melee attack against a foe marked under your combat challenge class feature, and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to the original target equal to your Strength modifier plus your Constitution modifier. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on weapon damage.

Frenzied Strike

Prerequisite Barbarian, Str 17, Power Attack
Benefit While in a rage, if you miss on a melee attack and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to the target equal to your Strength modifier plus the number of unused daily rage powers you possess. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on weapon damage.

Guardian’s Challenge

Prerequisite Warden, Con 17 or Wis 17
Benefit If you miss with a melee attack against a foe while in your guardian form, and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to the original target equal to your Constitution modifier plus your Wisdom modifier. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on weapon damage.

Hallowed Blow

Prerequisite Paladin, Cha 17, Wis 15
Benefit If you miss with a melee attack against a foe under your divine challenge power, and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal radiant damage to the target equal to your 1 + Charisma modifier.  This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on weapon damage.

Hunter’s Skill

Prerequisite Ranger, Str 15, Wis 17
Benefit If you miss with a melee attack against your hunter’s quarry and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to the target equal to your Wisdom modifier plus 1 point per die of your hunter’s quarry extra damage.  This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on weapon damage.

Inescapable Oath

Prerequisite Avenger, Wis 17, Dex 15
Benefit If you miss with a melee attack against a target under your oath of enmity class ability and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal psychic damage to the original target equal to your Wisdom modifier plus your Dexterity modifier. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on weapon damage.

Longarm Tap

Prerequisite Intelligence 17, Dexterity 15
Benefit If you miss with a melee attack with a polearm and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to the original target equal to your Intelligence modifier. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on weapon damage.

Magic’s Bite

Prerequisite Sorcerer, Charisma 17
Benefit If you miss with an attack with the arcane keyword that has an added effect based on the source of your power and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal radiant damage to the original target equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

No Escape

Prerequisite Ranger, Dex 17
Benefit If you miss with a ranged attack for which you received the prime shot bonus, and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to the original target equal to 2 + your Dexterity modifier.  This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on damage.

Predator’s Strike

Prerequisite Druid, Wisdom 17, Con 15
Benefit If you miss with a melee attack against a target while in your beast form and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to the original target equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on damage.

Rapier Song

Prerequisite Charisma 17, Dex 15
Benefit If you miss with a melee attack with a rapier and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to your original target equal to your Charisma modifier. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on weapon damage.

Rogue’s Luck

Prerequisite Rogue, Dex 17, Wis 15
Benefit If you have combat advantage against an enemy and miss with an attack while using a light blade, crossbow or sling, and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to the target equal to the weapon’s proficiency bonus plus your Dexterity modifier. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on weapon damage.

Skin Scorch

Prerequisite Warlock, Int 17
Benefit If you miss with a warlock attack power against a foe under your warlock’s curse, and you wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to your original target equal to your Intelligence modifier plus 1 point per die of bonus warlock’s curse damage. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on damage.

Tenacious Spirit

Prerequisite Shaman, Wisdom 17
Benefit If your spirit companion misses with a melee attack and it wouldn’t otherwise still deal damage on the miss, it deals damage to the original target equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier. This damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on damage.

Winged ‘Em

Prerequisite Dex 17, Weapon Focus (bows, crossbow, light blades or slings)
Benefit If you miss with a ranged attack with a bow, crossbow, dagger, sling or shuriken and you wouldn’t otherwise deal damage on the miss, you deal damage to your original target equal to your Dexterity modifier. Subtract 2 from this damage if the target was at long range, otherwise this damage receives no modifiers or other benefits you normally gain on weapon damage.

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