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Monster Mix: What happens when you cross a rust monster and a metallic dragon?

Intelligent alien creatures such as aboleths, as well as the occasional mad wizard or capricious deity, enjoy tinkering with creatures to make them more suited for their environments or just as a thought exercise. This article combines two classics: the rust monster and a selection of metallic dragons.

Monster Mix: What happens when you cross a rust monster and a metallic dragon? Read More »

Heritage How-to: Write your own Tales of the Valiant RPG heritages!

If you’re making your own homebrew game, you’re probably using the standard ToV lineages. And most fantasy games assume the same medieval/renaissance world that makes most of the backgrounds pretty relevant. But heritages offer an opportunity to develop and communicate your world to your players.

Heritage How-to: Write your own Tales of the Valiant RPG heritages! Read More »

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