Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Midgard Monday: cults of the Northlands features the Rule of Rime

Diverse in their beliefs and practices, cults have emerged in every corner of Midgard, from the dusty deserts of the Southlands to the mysterious forests of the Margreve. However, in a land filled with unstable environments, political conflict, and ancient mystical forces, the Northlands of Midgard is ripe for exploring the dynamics of cults in your campaigns.

Midgard Monday: cults of the Northlands features the Rule of Rime Read More »

Let’s Build! Make a Lucky rogue for your next Tales of the Valiant character

Luck inherently makes rogues stronger because the majority of their combat power from Sneak Attack is tied to getting a single hit. Missing less and rerolling more for a critical hit greatly improves the consistency for rogues since they don’t get Multiattack like other martial characters. If you’ve never played a Rogue, there is no greater dopamine rush in combat than rolling a critical hit on a Sneak Attack and grabbing a fistful of dice to roll for a huge burst of damage.

Let’s Build! Make a Lucky rogue for your next Tales of the Valiant character Read More »

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