Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Midgard Monday: Gunpowder Secrets of the Ironcrag Dwarves!

As mercenary companies of dwarves sally forth each year to fight for one of the Seven Cities to the south, they bring with them the traditional tools of war. And a few from the Kubourg Canton also bring black powder mining tools and weapons. These black powder tools are hardly refined armaments. But they can be used to spring a trap, draw attention, or damage an objective in a spectacular way.

Midgard Monday: Gunpowder Secrets of the Ironcrag Dwarves! Read More »

Valiant Six Iconic Backstory—Kobold Press presents Seno Fosh, cleric of light

When Kobold Press launched the Tales of the Valiant RPG, we also launched six pre-generated characters for people to be able to start playing right away. These characters showed “iconic” representations of these classes, and provided some art that appears in Tales of the Valiant products, showing these iconic characters in action. But who are

Valiant Six Iconic Backstory—Kobold Press presents Seno Fosh, cleric of light Read More »

Hometown Hazards. Trouble for folk from a salvager heritage

Adventures are usually about the events taking the heroes away from home. But this series explores possibilities when taking a character back home. What troubles lurk in a PC’s hometown? What manner of curse, bogeyman, disease, or nuisance was part of their upbringing? How does it now become part of the party’s greater story?

Hometown Hazards. Trouble for folk from a salvager heritage Read More »

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