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Advanced Races 8: Lamia Now Available

Advanced Races 8: Lamia Now Available

AR Lamia coverSinister Serpents!

Lamia tread a strange path of violence and magic — and for a tiny few, redemption.

Though extremely rare, lamia adventurers do exist. They are almost exclusively outcasts who have struck out on their own or escaped the wickedness of their brethren. Cut off from the matriarchy and its debauched rituals, might they be something more than monsters? Might they become… heroes?

Advanced Races 8: Lamias gives you everything you need to play a lamia adventurer in your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game campaign.This 15-page sourcebook by designer Marc Radle includes:

  • 8 alternative racial traits including Constrict, Mystical Tattoo and Wisdom damage
  • 6 new lamia feats including Highborn Lamia, Serpent’s Eyes and Snake’s Tongue
  • 2 new prestige classes, new favored class options, a new spell and oracle mystery, and more!

You carry the mysteries of night and magic deep within your dark heart, child of serpents—and you will need them to survive in a world that hates and fears you. Get Advanced Races 8: Lamias and play a truly strange and exotic hero!

Pick up your copy at DriveThruRPG, RPGNow, or Paizo today!

1 thought on “Advanced Races 8: Lamia Now Available”

  1. The lamia culture, society and mystery cult/moon centered quasi religion really got inside my head as I wrote this and I’m really, REALLY proud of the results!

    I hope everyone checks it out :)

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