Home / Tiamat Tuesday

Tiamat Tuesday

Tiamat Tuesdays: So You’re Running Tyranny of Dragons . . .

Tyranny of Dragons is an immense, sprawling adventure filled with epic encounters, plot twists, and numerous NPCs with their own agendas. Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat allow (some might say demand) Dungeon Masters to really stretch their wings and put their creativity to the test. Things start out straightforward enough

Tiamat Tuesdays: So You’re Running Tyranny of Dragons . . . Read More »

Tiamat Tuesdays: Behind the Scenes of the Dragon Attack Art

Working on the Tyranny of Dragons project has been something of a dream come true for me. Like a great many folks playing RPGs today, I grew up playing D&D. As an 11- or 12-year-old avid D&D player and aspiring artist, I used to spend hours marveling at all the adventures and rulebooks, daydreaming about

Tiamat Tuesdays: Behind the Scenes of the Dragon Attack Art Read More »

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