Quiz Greg Stolze

Quiz Greg Stolze

Designer Greg Stolze, known for his Ransom Model and Unknown Armies among many other credits, has kindly made himself available to the KQ diplomats.

What questions would you like to put to the redoubtable Mr. Stolze? He promises to spill all!

Post your question right here, or on the Forum, as you prefer.

2 thoughts on “Quiz Greg Stolze”

  1. 1. How do you keep the energy, ideas and enthusiasm to write so much, and keep your material so much on the creative edge of gaming?

    2. What do you think horror rpgs need to do to re-invent themselves in the next 10 years?

    3. What are the general challenges facing the rpg industry at the moment and how do you think the industry needs to tackle them?

    4. Can you tell us if you have any new creations on the way? Are you designing a new rpg?

    5. Can you tell us what you are reading at the moment?

    6. If you could list your top 10:
    a) films?
    b) TV series
    c) books
    that have influenced your writing/ creativity, what would they be?

    7. If you were asked to attribute your work’s creation to the influence of one philosophy/thinker, who/ what would that be?


    Ben (from Brighton, UK)

    PS: thanks for all the fish, I mean games!

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