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Diverse in their beliefs and practices, cults have emerged in every corner of Midgard. However, in a land filled with unstable environments, political conflict, and ancient mystical forces, the Northlands of Midgard is ripe for exploring the dynamics of cults in your campaign.
Exposed to extreme environmental conditions, community isolation, and otherworldly forces, the Northlands provide a breeding ground for devoted followers and eccentric leaders offering an array of storytelling possibilities.
For the follower, there is a straightforward truth about cults. You become part of something bigger than yourself. For the people of the Northlands facing the loneliness and nihilism brought on by uncontrollable forces, a cult can offer purpose and community in a frigid land. As communities that fervently worship an object, person, or concept above all else, cults have the power to transform people’s lives. This makes the people of the Northlands easy targets for any would-be leader.
Certain elements lie at the foundation of any cults. While the specific flavor of each cult may differ, they share a core set of ingredients. Without these elements, a cult would be like any other faction.
- Core Beliefs/Obsessions
- Charismatic/Inspiring Figurehead
- Hopeless/Desperate Group of People
- Recruitment and Preservation Tactics
- Rites/Rituals and Shared Activities
The order in which these elements come together shapes a cult’s unique aspects, regardless of intentions. This means that not all cults are made equal. And not all of them deserve extermination. While fantasy gaming often depicts cults as maniacal doombringers (such as the infamous Cult of Ragnarök in the Northlands), not all cults are centered on apocalyptic themes. Here’s a Northlands cult that you can incorporate into your game, providing a fresh perspective on what “cult activity” looks like in the Northlands.
The Frozen Accord
The Frozen Accord, a political cult adorning the shield of peace, has emerged as an unexpectedly powerful force in Northlands politics. The charismatic reaver dwarf Caelum was transformed from a fierce marauder to a prophet of tranquility. This cult preaches a doctrine of nonviolence and personal sacrifice born from the ashes of enduring conflict and generational trauma. They portray themselves as stewards of serenity amid Northland’s societal chaos and violence.
Born from the rubble of prolonged conflict in the Northlands, the Frozen Accord formed after the seizing of the city of Jozht. The warrior Caelum laid down his axe in front of the troops and swore never to take another life.
Ravaged by decades of violence, Caelum made a selfless lifelong peace accord by smelting down his axe into a farmer’s sickle. Understanding that true peace only emerges from nonviolence and sacrificing personal desires for the greater good, Caelum settled in Wolfsmark as a farmer.
The story of his actions quickly spread and resonated deeply with those of the Northlands who have experienced the loss, pain, and disillusionment of war and violence. Since then, many have followed in his footsteps, smelting down their weapons and moving to Wolfsmark. A commune of serenity grows there.
The political leaders of the Northlands are divided in their response. Some view the Frozen Accord as an inevitable force of balance and stability. Others dismiss them as a threat to the Northland’s culture and way of life. Whispers of skepticism surrounding Caelum’s true motivations linger on the lips of outsiders, as some question whether his peaceful rhetoric is a false façade or genuine ethos.
Caelum, a reaver dwarf turned prophet of peace, stands at the helm of the Frozen Accord. His evolution from warlord to a proponent of peace has inspired many dwarves broken by the Northland’s harsh history.
Before, he was notorious for formidable combat skills and ruthless battle strategies, gaining respect and fear in equal measure from peasants and nobles alike. His transformation is seen as both genuine and strategic. He believes that even the most hardened warriors can find redemption through love and understanding. As followers gather in Wolfmark, Caelum’s notoriety attracts attention, proving that anyone can change.
Always a soldier and never a captain, Caelum struggles with leadership. He considers himself no more or less than anyone else in Accord. His humility is one of the many qualities that inspires his followers, inadvertently reinforcing his leadership role.
Caelum didn’t lay his weapon down to become a cult leader. However, his actions have changed minds and hearts, proving that peace can shape the future of the Northlands.
Newcomers to the Accord are met with affection, safety, and camaraderie. This unwavering support fosters a strong emotional bond, helping recruits acclimate to the group’s ideology. Members often experience a profound sense of belonging, particularly appealing to those seeking connection after the devastating toll war had on them and their loved ones. This environment of affection and validation leads many followers to become dependent on the Accord for emotional support, making it difficult for individuals to leave.
Followers frequently distance themselves from outside influences, especially friends and family who question the teachings of the Frozen Accord. Their isolation in Wolfmark reinforces the cult’s beliefs and cultivated a climate of paranoia and mistrust toward outsiders.
Followers travel from Wolfmark often make vigorous public speeches in other cities that culminate in emotional appeals, such as personal testimonies of how they have found solace and purpose within the Frozen Accord.
Recently, these personal testimonies have evolved into more organized gatherings that are peaceful on the surface but strategically disrupt local politics. These peaceful protests often end with forceful removal by city security, turning the Accord followers into martyrs. Those who continue to challenge the Accord’s ideology label its followers as “snowflakes.”
To mitigate rising tensions, Caelum has started to seek partnerships with local businesses, religious organizations, and even rival factions, asking for permissions to propagate their message through the philanthropic efforts of providing food, medical supplies, and support to those in need.
In Your Game
In your game, players must navigate a web of political intrigue as they delve into the workings of the Frozen Accord. The Accord’s growing influence has directly weakened local power dynamics and is shifting allegiances among other Northland factions. Depending on how players interact with the cult, they can contribute to the establishment of lasting peace, aid in the emergence of violence among peaceful people, or create a more complex outcome.
This section outlines the cult uses the faction description block, as described in the Tales of the Valiant Game Master’s Guide.
Tiers: 3–4
Values: Altruism, humility, non-violence
Goals: Rebalance the scale of the Northlands by offering a peaceful solution to ongoing problems.
Motto: “Serenity in snowfall.”
Membership: Anyone is welcome if you smelt down your weapons and choose a nonviolent path.
Background and Notes: After the reclamation of Wolfsmark, the warrior Caelum laid down his axe in front of the troops and swore never to take another life. His actions have inspired others to join him in laying down their weapons and choosing a life of peace and service.
Adventure Hooks
Try these hooks to reel your players into action:
- The new commune of Wolfmark is seeking help protecting a supply carriage being shipped out of Reaver’s Cave. Due to recent political developments, Wolfheim has set up blockades to stop supplies meant to aid the Frozen Accord. Safety deliver the supplies and PCs will be invited to join the cult, gaining access to their resources, networks, and protection—but only if they smelt down their weapons.
- The PCs are hired by the guard of Wolfheim on a mercenary mission to assassinate some political protesters who have been “disturbing the peace.” These protesters are a small band of Accord followers who have converted local Wolfheim dwarves to their cause, destabilizing the population and military.
- A “snowflake” breaks out into a public speech of passion in the tavern, sharing his origin story of how the Accords saved his body, mind, and soul. He invites the PC to join him on his trip back to Wolfmark to experience the commune, but not before the tavern bouncer attempts to evict him from the premises violently.
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Thank you Dot for a wonderful article once again in the North! Love North articles. Would love to see a blog or two on Giant leaders or Giant societies in the North soon. Thanks again and keep up the great writing!
I like these giant ideas. I’ll see what I can scare up.
Thank you! They are a big part of the north! They need some lovin!
Interesting but thematically I don’t feel like this fits with a region of the Midgard world where slavery is rampant. It smacks of the ‘cozy fantasy’ themes creeping into 5e and Pf2e I’m trying to get away from.
Are they willing to fight the dangerous wildlife and unnatural cold creatures that are a part of Northlands life? It seems a little shortsighted to have all your members smelt down their weapons and then go settle in the Northern region that’s under threat by the expansionist vampires of Morgau just to the south
Jozht has been my campaign’s “base of operations” in recent sessions. This is super helpful!
Every time my group says something about IRL (Netflix, Amazon, etc) we say it must be a dog’s name in Jozht
Whole city about to be overrun by canines soon
I always love more Midgard, especially the Northlands, but I am not really sure how a commune of pacifist farmers would survive in the Wolfmark, considering the amount of conflict in the area between Wolfheim dwarves and Morgau. Unless the more violent Wolfheimers decided to protect them, which seems unlikely given the plot hooks seem to revolve around Wolfheimers trying to stop the cult, I imagine they’d get wiped out pretty quickly by night raids from the undead.
I’d love to hear some about cults in the southlands too :)
Awesome tools and concepts to add to the toolbox when i begin worldbuilding cults. the main antagonistic force for my homebrew game is heavy in cult activity, so this article was timely and informative.
Really enjoying the northland Midgard lore, very useful for an upcoming campaign idea. As always can’t wait for more Midgard Mondays and more lore!!!