A mysterious figure known only as the Culinomancer, is a widely travelled individual of renowned skill. Their stated purpose? To create delicious and magical food from every known monster that can be considered edible.
The Culinomancer’s collected writings are popular among a certain niche group of adventurers. Some are interested in the magical benefits such dishes provide. Others are fringe epicureans, seeking pleasure in devouring the rarest, most exotic, and even dangerous food. Whoever this Culinomancer may be, they know their craft. The recipes are powerful aids to adventures, and typically very tasty.
Alpha Fish
The alpha fish is a difficult target, due to its size, aggression, and solitary nature. This beast is a rare find, and many wish to take it alive and keep it as a pet. A waste, in my opinion!
Going through the trouble to find such a magnificent specimen, only to drag it from the wild and confine it to an oversized fishbowl is a travesty. Then you have those that see no value in the fish other than its scales. Scales! The first thing I discard to get at the beautiful flesh beneath, and wizards clamor for them. I’m happy to exchange coin for my garbage, but I do feel embarrassed doing so. But let us return to the alpha fish itself.
Its solitary nature and aggression make it a challenging conquest, though that very nature can be used against it. You can distract it with false lures and get it to attack some object it views as an intruder into its territory. Again though, you have to find one first. You could always wait for mating season, of course, but then you often have more alpha fishes than even an experienced group of adventurers is prepared to handle. When you land one, though, it is indeed a prize.
The flesh of the alpha fish is like few others. A rich, fatty fish, with flesh of the most alluring pink hue. Properly prepared—and by this, I mean with a cunningly concocted glaze both smoky and sweet to balance and enhance the alpha fish’s naturally delectable flavor—this is a meal that can instill a dominant, aggressive nature in the diner that ensures success through a post-meal adventuring day.
New Magic Item: Glazed Filet of Alpha Fish
Potion, Rare 3,000 gp
This filet of broiled fish is coated in a caramelized glaze, sweet and savory with hints of smoke. When you dine on the filet, you are filled with a forceful, violent sense of purpose and will. For the next 8 hours, you gain advantage on CHA (Intimidation) checks and a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. If you already have a swimming speed, it increases by 10 feet. In addition, when you roll for initiative for the next 8 hours, roll a d4 and add it to your total. This boost in the initiative order only applies as long as you make at least one attack roll on your turn. On any turn where you fail to make an attack roll, subtract the d4 bonus, lowering your place in the initiative order to your original roll.
Glazed Filet of Alpha Fish Substitute* (Bourbon-Glazed Salmon)
In the unfortunate event that you can’t find an alpha fish or were defeated by one, this is a rude approximation. However, do not expect this version to provide any magical effects.
- 8 6-oz. salmon filets (about 1-inch thick)
- 1 cup packed brown sugar
- 6 tablespoons bourbon
- 1/4 cup soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice (you can use bottled juice if necessary)
- 2 teaspoons fresh grated ginger
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed
- 4 teaspoons toasted sesame seeds
- 1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions
- cooking spray
Preparation and Cooking
1. Combine the brown sugar, bourbon, soy sauce, lime juice, ginger, garlic, salt, and pepper in a small bowl and mix to combine. Pour the mixture into a zip-seal plastic bag and add the salmon filets. Seal the bag, pressing out any excess air, and toss the contents to ensure each filet is coated in the marinade. Marinate for up to 1 hour in the refrigerator or up to 30 minutes at room temperature. (More isn’t better here; marinating the salmon for too long can cause it to become mushy.)
2. Preheat your broiler.
3. Spray a broiler pan with cooking spray. Remove the filets from the marinade and place them on the pan. Broil for 11 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Remove from oven, and garnish with sesame seeds and green onions.

Please keep these articles coming! Love the cooking aspect of the game and the real world recipes
this would taste *fantastic* with thai chilies and coconut rice!
*scribbles quick note to self*
So, when will the Kobold’s Monsterous Cooking Compendium be published?