Kobolds Can’t Count

Kobolds Can’t Count

KQ is a quarterly. And yet here we are, doing a fifth issue. Sure, we’re calling it an annual, but really kobolds can’t count. Our innumeracy is your gain!

The PDF issue has gone out to subscribers, and those lucky folks also get a free copy of the Kobold Death Maze adventure from Super Genius Games.

The Death Maze is a 4th Edition D&D adventure with printable maps for your table and printable minis as well. A pretty great little deathtrap by one of the better adventure publishers out there. (Yes, they are an advertiser with KQ, but really, they’re doing good work).

The issue itself is pretty great as well, and includes:

  • The Truth about Tieflings by their creator, David “Zeb” Cook
  • New Blood Magic
  • Codes of Conduct for Paladins
  • the Ecology of the Phantom Fungus (laughed at the pitch, but I love the article!)
  • And an interview with designer Monte Cook!

If, for some reason, your KQ subscription is not current, you can subscribe to the print+PDF or PDF-only version right here and get the issue and the adventure right off the bat.

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