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Midgard Monday

Midgard Monday: equip your adventurer with wondrous tools used by the Ironcrag dwarves!

The Free City of Zobeck gets all the worldly acclaim for clockwork wonders and stream powered miracles. However, under the mountain in the Free Cantons of the Ironcrags, dwarven artificers and mechanists craft cunning devices that are as much mechanical as arcane.

Midgard Monday: equip your adventurer with wondrous tools used by the Ironcrag dwarves! Read More »

Midgard Monday: Gunpowder Secrets of the Ironcrag Dwarves!

As mercenary companies of dwarves sally forth each year to fight for one of the Seven Cities to the south, they bring with them the traditional tools of war. And a few from the Kubourg Canton also bring black powder mining tools and weapons. These black powder tools are hardly refined armaments. But they can be used to spring a trap, draw attention, or damage an objective in a spectacular way.

Midgard Monday: Gunpowder Secrets of the Ironcrag Dwarves! Read More »

Midgard Monday: the Honeyless want to end dependence on bees in the Northlands

Diverse in their beliefs and practices, cults have emerged in every corner of Midgard. However, in a land filled with unstable environments, political conflict, and ancient mystical forces, the Northlands of Midgard is ripe for exploring the dynamics of cults in your campaigns.

Midgard Monday: the Honeyless want to end dependence on bees in the Northlands Read More »

Midgard Monday: cults of the Northlands features The Muses of Melody

Diverse in their beliefs and practices, cults have emerged in every corner of Midgard. However, in a land filled with unstable environments, political conflict, and ancient mystical forces, the Northlands of Midgard is ripe for exploring the dynamics of cults in your campaigns.

Midgard Monday: cults of the Northlands features The Muses of Melody Read More »

Midgard Monday: cults of the Northlands features The Frozen Accord

Diverse in their beliefs and practices, cults have emerged in every corner of Midgard. However, in a land filled with unstable environments, political conflict, and ancient mystical forces, the Northlands of Midgard is ripe for exploring the dynamics of cults in your campaigns.

Midgard Monday: cults of the Northlands features The Frozen Accord Read More »

Midgard Monday: cults of the Northlands features the Rule of Rime

Diverse in their beliefs and practices, cults have emerged in every corner of Midgard, from the dusty deserts of the Southlands to the mysterious forests of the Margreve. However, in a land filled with unstable environments, political conflict, and ancient mystical forces, the Northlands of Midgard is ripe for exploring the dynamics of cults in your campaigns.

Midgard Monday: cults of the Northlands features the Rule of Rime Read More »

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